How do we perceive Breast? I was in a flight to Munich one day and there was a woman with a few month old baby. couple of hours in the plane, she suddenly lifted up her blouse and took out her huge sagging breast out and fed the baby. She never tried to be discreet about it. she was even flaunting her breast, in fact i realised when coming back from the loo, she had the other breast exposed when it was not being 'used'. Like she was begging people to watch. I was Disgusted.
That day it got me thinking about a few years back, we were visiting some family and they were showing us pictures of their daughter's trip to the states, cause they are proud of her..blah blah. anyway i was flipping through the album when there was a picture of the daughter out of the water topless! wow how proud must the parents be actually they were very proud. just when i thought maybe not all of then are crazy and immoral. a few years later the was a home video of 3 generations of family going to an island close by during the summer vacations and guess what the grandmother and mother where topless. while the father and son-in-law are there too.
While discussing this with a friend he said, he doesn't see anything wrong with the picture. cause a woman's breast is a very natural thing, and we should take it to be proud to be topless. So i asked him if he thought the mother-in-law being topless lying there to get a tan is not a slightest bit weird? he said no. Its not a A sexual thing at all was his argument. The breast is not a sexual organ and its OK for women to be topless wherever or in front of whoever they want, its not as if like you are showing your vagina.
Point taken, so bottom line is men never look at women's breast cause they are NOT attracted to breasts. A men only gets a hard on when he sees a vagina. I wonder maybe that's why they have topless women in all of the newspaper and magazines in Europe. cause no one is jerking off. I have been so naive. so, I turn around to him and said if i showed my breasts right now you are actually telling me you will not get excited at all in a sexual way? he asked if we could change the topic and begged me not to show anything to him at least not in public. I wonder why, he didn't wanna see my breasts when it will so not effect our friendship cause the breast is a very natural organ of the human body.
So i thought i will do an simple experiment. I will like to show my breast to selected men to see if they get sexually excited. Than at the end i will sum up the average score and update you readers whether the Europeans where always right or its just an excuse for the men to fucking look and for the bitches to show!
So here are the criteria for the experiment application.
A)Sexually active healthy Men
B)Age 20-40
D)Average looking is good enough(that is so i don't mind showing my breast)
Pls email us a picture of yourself, and we might just choose you to be a candidate for our experiment.