Ya I know I have not been calling very often. I know I have not be entertaining the calls I have been getting, I know I have not been on MSN for while now. That doesn't give any of you any right to go spying on my ass! I have been crazy busy and over loaded with responsibilities if you all have not noticed its the Holidays and I am up to my head, Not forgetting the fucking twisted ankle! Try to understand people I have a few months before I say my Goodbyes and am overwhelmed by allot right now, and I am so Fucking Sorry for not putting each and everyone one of you first in my priority list for once.
Oh and Stop jumping into fucking conclusions just because you read the blog and think all of you are so Fucking smart. Its not fucking my fault every fuck thinks its abt them.(cause you think you are the only one in my life, How sweet) Actually I have had loads of response since I wrote the entry...why do you all care if you have nothing to hide? hmm. Anyways,You guys are sooo pathetic and I feel sad for you all! All Those who think it has to be you I am sorry to say this in Writing, I do have other Friends. For the last time people, just cause I talk allot doesn't mean I don't enjoy my privacy. I do have other friends and I don't intro all of them to each other. Not cause I have anything to hide, cause all of you have nothing in common.
Oh ya some of you think You are Special just because...You have met the family, ha ha. If you have met my family than its actually sad...cause The Family gets along with everyone and anyone. News Flash they are not actually hard to please, what would they know they don't even have table manners. Ya Ya than comes the holidays and birthdays...hehe the thing is you can have more than 1 christmas party you know. and I do celebrate my birthdays with other friends too. Which I dont have to tell anyone abt. Its so funny how you guys come to the parties and think these are the only ppl I know. whom I like to spend time with too. So sue me.
I am sure you wouldn't want me to discuss your issues to my other friends so vice verse Bitches. THERE IS NO NEED FOR ME TO DISCUSS EVERYTHING I DO TO YOU ALL. AND IT DOESNT MEAN WHEN I DO, I AM TELLING YOU EVERYTHING ; )Get a life if that is too much to ask, at least make an afford to get laid. I am guilty of spending more time with some of you, I should have known better.
AND IF, JUST IF YOUR ITCHY GROINS (Penis OR Vulva) GIVES YOU THE URGE TO READ THE BLOG. SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE ABOUT IT. IF YOU FEEL ITS ABOUT YOU...THAN CHANCES ARE, IT IS ABT YOU STUPID! ( as stated on the left top corner...we will put up your comments if you leave one.)
Haaaaa. I feel so much better, what about you? Well since we got that one straighten out. We can all move on.
Ps: I have heard around that I have been hiding and that the blog is my shield. God I laughed my head off. Well the very simple answer to your very stupid doubt is, IF I WAS AFRAID OF EXPRESSING MY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS I WOULD HAVE MADE THE BLOG PRIVATE, ONLY BY INVITATION... STUPID.
Yours Truly,