Another year is coming to a close, M.T and I have been busy with so many things, hence the lack of updates. We apologize to all our readers... Yes, you know who you are and we thank you for your patience and understanding. Let's recap the year shall we? It's been a tumultuous year. M.T has left the area for 3 years. We miss you M.T!!! I got married in Sept, changed jobs in Sept and just put down a down payment on a 3 rm flat. It's been a roller coaster 3 months. On a sour note, a friend who owes me tonnes of money has pulled a fast one and fallen of the face of the earth, leaving me with all her debts to service... I hope u rot in hell bitch!!! Hopefully the new year brings about some positive changes... And new experiences... Till next time...
Happy New Year!!!
Our thought for the day,
Don't apologize for your choices. They are the only things that define you ultimately.