Someone has been disappointed that I have never mentioned him or said a funny story about him in the blog since we started writing. The other day he mentioned How Disappointed he was that I never got inspired by him. This were his exact words. "I used to make you cry, and even laugh at times. I thought I was your Muse at least interesting enough to write or at least vent about, have you taken me out of your life entirely, don't I exist in your little Psycho world anymore you cold hearted bitch?" My answer to him was "I thought you didn't want the whole world to know you are an ass hole? ok I Mean the 5 ppl who read the blog to knw at least"
Since you insist... here goes. What can I write about you? Where shall I start? How about the time when you took enough courage to speak to me for the first time. Or the time when you laughed at me when I tripped and fell flat on my face in front of the whole class and you said to your loser friends "I guess she has fallen for me!" I can keep going on. There are just too many memories we share and there are many that will be always sacred to the both of us. To tell you the truth I have learnt to appreciate you more now, than I ever did before. The way you make me laugh, how you have never failed to be a friend I can depend on even when I push you away. I love the thought that we spent almost our whole life time together, we can start conversation with, do you remember when we...Most of all, I have always appreciated and have been attracted to your biggest strength. Honesty. If I might add, That's Fucking Sexy! There I said it Happy?
Chinky...my love, You the bomb.