The ancient Indian Myth
M.T : Switch off the TV and do your homework.
Brat : I can't I'm watching Ben 10.
M.T : You have been saying that for the last 2 hrs and you have watched every episode like a million time!
Brat : Ya, but I can watch it again and again and again. Its never boring.
M.T : I don't care if its boring or not! (Thinking to myself maybe should take a different approach , try going all western parenting) I'm sure Ben does is homework too, I'm sure he is a very responsible boy. You should be like him.
Brat : No he doesn't. He is on a looooooooong summer vacation remember. He never has to do homework.
M.T : ( the western parenting ain't working time to go all Asian on the brat's ass) You Know how the Indian gods have multiple arms. So they can punish those who do naughty things!
Brat : Is this still about Ben 10?
M.T : of cause my love. where you think they got the idea to create the character '4 Arms'. So I have heard when Indian mothers get really...REALLY pissed they grow another set of arms so they can beat the crap out of their kids!
Brat : (Shivering) They can?
M.T : You know whats the best part is , I don't need a bloody watch! well if you wanna give the myth a try, go on and watch TV. Than we will find out soon enough when I go all '4 Arms' on your SHORT ASS!
Brat : So shall I do the English first or the Math?
Spring and Cows
M.T : I hate spring ! bloody moody weather raining the whole time and sunny suddenly, like it can't make up its mind.
Brat : Don't say that spring is good, rain is good flowers will grow and the grass its good , I LIKE SPRING!
M.T : I guess you are right, I shouldn't be selfish, it's good for the farmers. Rain will make the grass grow better for the cows , so the cows get fat and juicy, so we can eat Them ! yummy
Brat : what you mean eat them, You mean drink the milk right?
M.T : Ya the milk as well, but I also meant the meat.
Brat : People eat cows?! what the... are you serious ? That is so mean , Cows are so cute. how can you people eat them?
M.T : What you mean if people eat cows. Its beef you idiot. You eat it all the time. Hamburger is beef. They even say 100% beef on the package.
Brat : Oh My GOD! that's disgusting. I thought beef was pig or something. I AM NEVER EATING HAMBURGER every again!!!
M.T : suit yourself. I respect your decision. so no more beef for you.
20 mins later
M.T : so what you want for snack?
Brat : I'll have a hamburger from mac Donald's please.
M.T : what happened to cows are so cute, and its disgusting to eat cute cows?
Brat : Ya...actually they are not soooo cute like bunnies , or horses ....or birds...or ....
M.T : ok ok I get the point. 1 kids meal coming up.
My life is GREAT!
Nightwatch: Halllooo
Brat : Hello, what you doing?
Nightwatch : Nothing. what are you doing?
Brat : Just...Nothing. sooooo ...how is life?
Nightwatch : My life? Life sucks!
Brat : Your Life Sucks?! hahaha
Nightwatch : what so funny?
Brat : My life is GREAT! I'm only 7 so my life is Great! hahahaha
Brat passes to phone to me and leaves still laughing.
M.T : why is he laughing ?
Nightwatch : You tell him I'm gonna come there and kick his behind !!!
I pass the message to the Brat and this is what he says.
Brat : When he comes, I will be 8 and my life will still be great ! hahahaha....oh man its so funny!