I don't know if many of you remember the song,
Every body's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) which came out in 1999 by Baz Luhrmann. I was listening it to the other day and thinking how the advice given though poignant was the irrelevant ramblings of one man... So here's my take on it.
Every body's free (To have an opinion)- Every body's got an opinion.
- All of us are idiots, just to what extent.
- Whoever said it's not how often you fall but whether you pick yourself up after, should be punched in the mouth.
- Friends never grow up.
- Really close friends regress.
- Friends help you stand up when you fall, but oft times they were the ones who tripped you in the first place.
- Misery loves company, so does any other fun thing in life.
- But if you do fall, don't forget to gracefully pick yourself up and look good while doing it.
- If at first you don't succeed maybe this job really isn't meant for you.
- Money isn't everything, but it does make everything else easier.
- Love your loved ones, even when they're being complete asses.
- Never rub salt in open wounds, but if you do, make sure you're really far away when the wounds heal.
- Love hurts.
- Love heals.
- Love is crazy.
- Make love not war.
- Hell, do both and get married!
- Don't go to bed angry, you may end up smothering your partner in your sleep.
- Be the bigger person, make sure they get your point and agree.
- Bears walk among us, and sometimes they make sense.
- Commit random acts of kindness, it keeps everyone guessing.
- Stories about things you did will never become boring, even if you've told them a million times and to the same people.
- The story changes with every telling.
- The stupid things you've done in your life will come back to bite you.
- And they will never stop being funny to everyone else even after you're gone.
- Refer to three points up.
- Accept that we hurt the people we love, sometimes with intent.
- Never second guess, make a choice and stick to your guns.
- 50% of your choices will be wrong, but that's not an excuse.
- Go out with a bang and never a whimper.
- Sometimes you have to walk away even when it hurts.
- Sometimes you have to make a stand even if it's going to hurt.
- Sometimes you just have to stand in the sidelines and not do a thing.
- The trick is to know when to. If you do, let me know how.
- Intelligence does not equate smartness.
- Intelligent people are so intelligent sometimes, they say the stupidest things.
- Toilet humour... Not as funny as you make it out to be.
- Sarcasm is a tool to educate or humiliate your peers, choose the latter. The educating happens by itself.
- Try weed at least once in your life.
- Stick with booze for the rest of it.
- You are the sum of your choices and experiences, but then again, so is everyone else.
- You are not special.
- You are one of a kind. Never let anyone take that away from you.
- Nobody can be you, so don't be afraid to go crazy every now and then.
- But trust me when I say, every one's got an opinion.
Our thoughts for the day,
For long you live and high you fly, and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see, is all your life will ever be.-Nightwatch