I'm being held at gunpoint and no hospital privileges if this post is not uploaded so please forgive me for all the lies I have to tell right now... :P Just remember lil sis... You asked for this...
23 years ago, my parents made a rather large error and for reasons unknown picked up a girl , child from a tong sampah (dustbin) outside K.K . Boy, are they regretting that decision now! And that was was how I came to have a lil sister. Being only a decade+ in age difference, I promptly spent my formative years ignoring the whiny, snivelling, crying, snot filled brat. Hey! I had better things to do at the time... So most days we ignored each other, and the days she didn't, she followed me around like a lost poodle... Did I mention she has maggie mee hair? Flash forward to her 9th or 10th birthday, we're celebrating it at home and she goes missing... Literally. A manhunt was organised as she was last seen heading for the bbq pits downstairs and the family thought she was dognapped... sorry kidnapped. Guess who was drafted to do a floor to floor to floor search? Anyways as I went floor to floor grumpy that I was missing my Saturday night booze fiesta I heard the lift alarm on the lower floors and went to investigate.; Lo behold, there was the birthday girl in all her finery, trapped in the lift. Karma huh? :p So basically I called Emergency Services to release her all the while standing outside the lift consoling the monkey. EMS finally gets there and releases the animal who comes zipping out of the lift and grabs me in a bear hug and refuses to let go... Go figure... Anyways we finally bonded when she was much older and not as poodle brained. And we did it over cooking no less!. Anyways, after all is said and done she's my sister and I love her to bits. There! I've said it! And if anyone says anything we will have an issue. I mean, the best way express my relationship with my sister would be, to quote the Jack Nicholson, the Joker, " Beauty and the Beast... But if anyone else calls you a Beast I'll rip his lungs out!"
Till next time,
Our thoughts for the day,
Brothers and sisters, fighting is as natural as a white man's dialogue in a Spike Lee movie.
- Nightwatch