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This has been goin on too long. STOP trying to be me, cause you cant and you are making a fool of yourself! You wanna wear what i wear. You wanna date the kind of people i go out with. You try to talk funny, thinking that accsent actually sounds real. while all of us laugh at you. Stop humilating yourself. STOP already. You cant be me, you try all you want babe but you know what, you cant imitate good looks and especially not class. But hats off to you for trying so hard all these years. Now its time to let go, go and figure out what is best for you. Its starting to freak me out. others are starting to notice,and i am tired of you coping me and thinking you are better than me.I cant actually believe you thought that you will look good wearing what i wear, babe i make the shit i wear look good not the other way round, thats the diff .So fuck you for even trying!M.T
Can't remember the last time I wrote...mayb a mth ago. Busy. Tired very tired perhaps. Not only physically, especially mentally. I have started losing my memory too. why all of these happening to me i don't know. Mayb I do i just don't want to say it out loud than i am different from the others. You know the norm. i am starting to believe i am not cut out for family life. This constant noice, expectations, reponsibilities, noise, budgets...did i mention noise. The list goes on. when it gets too much I learned to switch off. I guess thats why i cant remember things now. I can read something and forget it the next minute hmm. Do I want help for the memory lost...mayb not. wait that loud noise again...screaming. stop stop please stop that screaming. Now where was I...oh ya no help for me thank you, doing just fine being lost. It sounds memory lost is quite a trouble but that seems to be the only little comfort i have now in a wierd way. Too tired to write more. Hard to remember the things I wanna say. So God bless you single people. You lucky fuckers.m.t