Went for M.T's 5th wedding anniversary the other day... The man of the night looked dashing and the lady of the night... Well honestly if I didn't know her I would have thought that she was one of the guests. Come on!!! It was her night!!! But no, two idiots has to try upstage her. One decided that loud is beautiful. Lord!!! Was she loud!!! All glittery things and enough makeup to smother a newborn... Did I mention she was a wearing a broad pearl choker? Darling you gotta have a neck to carry off something like that...But the overall effect... At best tacky... At worst cheap... Come on!!! You knew what the bride was wearing and you decide to outshine her? Shame on you!!! And the other one... If looks could kill, the bride would probably have been run over by a trailer more than once. She basically thrust herself into everyone's faces and demanded to be acknowledged as the prettiest in the room. Woe be to anyone who thought or said that the bride looked good. The look of disgust given would have made you think that you were a beggar with no class or distinction to have thought, let alone say anything to that effect. The jealousy was so pronounced that everyone noticed. If you were so disgusted by her success, why did you come for the party? To spew vitriol? To accuse your "best" friend of having nothing and marrying rich to get where she is? Nuff said... And how did the bride look that nite? Simple, elegant, captivating and totally stunning without the need for extravagant outfits or over the top makeup. You rock gurl!!!
Oh and by the way... I'm Share Bear... *grrr*
Till next time,
Our thought for the day,
A guest sees more in an hour than the host in a year.
- Nightwatch
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