It's been a long, long weekend... For those of you who don't know, my paternal grandmother passed away on Thursday. After all the bickering, the wake was set for three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Me being the night bird I am, volunteered for the night shift. It was an interesting three nights... I got to see sides of my cousins, uncles and aunties I've never seen before. The stories which were shared, the reminiscing, the antics which we resorted to trying to stay awake three nights running, all the while remembering and honoring the memory of Amachi, as everyone called her. I admit, I don't have many memories of her as I was raised by my maternal grandmother and far closer to my mum's side of the family. But the memories I do have are of her always smiling and telling stories. I've had my arguments, but then again didn't we all? But when I saw her on her deathbed all was forgiven and forgotten. I admit, it broke my heart, seeing this small, petite woman, who singlehandedly raised 6 children after grandfather's death. Here's to you granny, rest in peace, You will be missed...
Till next time, Our thought for the day,
Family isn't about whose blood you have. It's about who you care about.