I admit, I job hop quite a bit. Can't stay put in a place for more than a year at most. Why you ask? Probably because I have A.D.D... LoL. But seriously, looking at the current working conditions in our island nation, loyalty is not appreciated anymore... How many places actually offer a permanent position? Hardly any... Everything is on a contractual basis or out sourced. And where does that leave a poor schmuck like me? Up the creek without a paddle that's where... So if I get a better deal or a higher salary I'm out the door. Like now, just got a new job... And I've only been with my current company for two and a half months. Longer hours and all, but if it pans out I'll be making nearly twice my current take home salary. It's all about the bottom line now days or as I like to say, " Show me the Ishaks"... :D
Till next time, Our thought for the day,
When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him, 'Whose?'