Never had any, Never will. with the weather, with the men. Oh well at least with the men.
I Travel all the way to the heart of Tokyo thinking I will have Japanese Men all over me. I was wrong My 'curse' as my friends nicely put it seems to be real. The first Man i encounter who cant seem to get his eyes off me is a White guy...a French even. I don't think I have ever mentioned how I usually avoid the French with all my might! yesterday morning saw one. I was totally put off by the accent and avoided eye contact.
Until Last afternoon while having a smoke outside the hotel. I realized what a so not French looking...rather a Italian /French/American/hot/tight ass/stubble/compact/sexy....Ok got the point?! well what the heck I thought at least the opposite species actually thinks you are pretty enough to stop for a whole of 68 seconds till you actually look him in the eye, lose control of your face muscle to smile back(little giggle) like a school girl. Bloody Shame on you M.T. WE DON'T GIGGLE!! How could you let yourself go like that? Shame Shame...stubble/tight ass/sexy. Oh fuck STOP!STOP!
The weather is fucked so is my so called vacation...12 degrees. rain and nipples showing through every bra I have tried. have not left the Hotel. Sad but will over come that with alcohol very soon. So till more news...M.T signing off from COLD COLD TOKYO.