If you would have read the news lately. you would have come across that cabbies are getting their ass kicked and robbed. That is if you read the news at all. Huh I already hear some of you intelligent bitches ( and when I say bitches I mean both genders) are going all this "If you read the news at all" insult for a bloody cabbie news!? WTF There are more going on in the world. How about you writing about the political state of the world, (the never ending) oils prices, The Pope owes every involved party and Apology, or at least about the ERP in every cornor? huh huh what about that M.T?
Huh my answer to that is very simple. If you would have noticed for the last 2 years. We don't do that shit here. Its is not that we don't have an opinion, we do and its always in private with friends usually a bottle of vodka is involved or even at times when really really bored and broke, a pot of Earl Tea and peach soda will do for our ' Friendly Political Debates'
So I, on behalf of my dear Nightwatch will like to set the record straight. This not an encyclopedia website. If you wanna widen your horizon go somewhere else. There are enough self proclaimed Activist, Feminists and raging Atheists blogs out there. This is purely fun, let lose "smart" shit blog. Most times just shit. That explains why we come up with conclusions like The Hulk(Nightwatch post) is a big Whiner with a small Wiener.
Oh crap see what you have done.......all I wanted to do is write abt the bloody cabbies and now I have to go. You Evil Evil Intelligent people. May you all burn... Burn.