I kept hearing this song everywhere. Never knew which movie it was from. Finally I took the liberty to search for this song in youtube, and when I did find the song, I thought that there must be a mistake and I tried searching again under other tags. You know how sometimes people edit the video with another song to see how it fits. After many attempts I decided to look at the mouth movements to the song...it fits. I still wasn't satisfied so I went to look for the movie online and search for the songs and found out the painful truth! That song features namitha the Dumbo!! Yes I am referring to "Nee Marilyn Monroe
The lyrics actually lured me to search of the video. If you have not heard it yet...this is how the fucking chorus goes...
"Nee Nee Nee Marilyn Monroe Cloninga
Illai Jennifer Lopez oda scanninga
One Day mattum girlfriend aga Variya "
I still thought there must have been somekinda of mistake. maybe the song writer saw something familiar with this 3 women. That namitha actually Looks like a Marilyn's Clone and a Scanning image of J.Lo. I had to do my research.
This is marilyn

This is J.Lo

This is Dumbo, I mean Namitha

Ok I still don't see the similarities, If there are not even similarities how the fuck in the world are these BLIND fuckers calling that THING a Clone and a Scan image of real women?! The lie and deception Vijay has brought upon his audience. What did he think if he danced fast enough no poor soul would listen to the fucking lyrics? Its too low even for Vijay. I mean if he wanted to get a quick travel fuck while waiting for his next stop. He could have easily masturbated in front of her I am sure she would have not mind. Why did he had to go and lie to the bitch. I mean obviously despite looking like the way she does she has enough Ego to block sunlight in India, ok also with her body mass, but on a serious note...very disappointed with Vijay!!!
I strongly recommend that his Fans protest to change the movie tittle from AZHAGIYA TAMIL MAKAN to
Ps: for those who have not seen the video pls look on the left for youtube video right below the Ostrich and click on the image to see namitha's fats oozing out of every part of her body,while she attempts to dance.