As much as I would love to wear heels every waking moment of my day, I can't. It fucking hurts too much. I remember the good old days when I could wear heels to work stay in it for 8 hrs, go on to clubs and dance in them for 3 hrs and head back home and do it all over again the next day and not feel a thing. Now I just have to look at a cute pair of heels on the display and I feel this unimaginable pain shooting up my ankle. Heels made me walk better, dance better, made me look 4 inches taller and gave me so much confidence out of no where. Its as if they have magical powers or something. Men do take notice of you more, they will deny it but its true. Men do care if your in heels or not. Well short Men don't appreciate it of course but the others do. Simply because its changes our persona. We tend to flirt a little more than on normal days when we have our flats on. Maybe porn has a huge part to play. Men started noticing women's heels since the breakthrough of porn in the Internet. Ladies don't believe me go and do some research. go through your guy's porn collection if he has any and you will find that when 90% of the women while "working" have their heels on. Its all about leaving the heels on baby!
Coming back to old me, not able to wear them..hrmm ...I mean walk in them as much as I would love to, Well I am not in my 20's anymore. the longer I am in it the more my veins start to show. Nerves that I didn't even know existed hurt to much. Its time to except that and let it go. If I want to be walking without the help of a walker when I am 70, Than I choose not to be sexy now and be able to run away from my grandchildren one day. I guess I have no choice but to depend on my good looks and sense of humor for now...bloody hell.