Anger, who has not been, at one point or another? Totally outraged and enraged? But how do you react in that state? Some brood, which is what I do by the way. Some become abusive and there are few who completely lose it and feel that their fists should do the talking. Unfortunately, these select few also feel that only their point of view is correct and there are no grey areas. Grey areas, which by the way, they use to their own ends when the shoe is on their foot. They don't seem to realize that sometimes not everything is cut and dried and that a fine line needs to walked to keep the peace. They also don't seem to realize that someday they are going to pick on the wrong person whom is going to knock the stuffing out of them or worse, sic the cops on them. Use the grey matter god gave you child. Don't let your pride, feelings of superiority or your so called "righteousness" stop you from thinking things through. Ultimately, there may come a time you nay need to turn to this person for help and they may not be there when you really need them. Till next time,
Our thought for the day,
If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will avoid a hundred days of sorrow.