What is Discrimination? Where do we draw the line ? How much of a joke is ok? How far can we stretch the "innocent" comments? Is calling someone Keling the same as saying I hate fat people? Let me explain...Lets say calling someone Keling, clearly you are implying you prefer non Indians. Now lets say there are 2 guys, one a super hot guy and the other a fat guy. If I would check out the hot guy and not the fat guy am I discriminating the fat guy cause I prefer the hot guy? By liking one and not another is it discrimination? Or perhaps Discrimination lives up to its big word when spoken out loud. There are so many categories of discrimination for example Age, Gender, Sexuality, Race, Language, Employment, Caste and even something as simple as Reverse Discrimination. Basically a term used on minorities who have issues with dominant and majority groups. Which I believe most of you reading this blog associate yourself with. Don't deny it, you know who you are :) Just cause some parents raised us to keep shut doesn't mean we don't think it. Than again that very same parents might also educate us to be honest with others and to ourselves. So who is the bad guy here? The one who is honest to make it clear I don't like you and who puts up his hand and says "hail Hitler" at the passing German minding his own business or the the guy who thinks "bloody Manjan" in his head when a Chinese guy cuts him off on a highway. As long no one heard that right? So I can't possibly hurt his feelings cause my parents raised me better than that? I am not a discriminator if the one I'm discriminating doesn't hear me.
I remember the first time I faced discrimination, actually I remember all the discrimination. The first time it hurt the most. Every time you experience a discrimination a part of your soul gets chipped off. You don't understand why you? Than you wonder what you did wrong. Nothing. Just wrong place, wrong time and facing wrong honest people. It was around my 3rd Discrimination when it stopped hurting. I realised that I didn't really like the people who didn't like me in the first place. So why should it hurt. I realised at 15 I was a discriminator. Just like them. Just like everyone else. I am no different from the girl standing beside me who hates poor people cause they are poor and I hate her, well cause I hate rich people. Than I got to thinking are there actually real genuine victims in all of these discrimination war that we are all fighting? Well I don't think so. Every single one of us is a culprit. We all hate or nicely put, rather dislike someone somewhere for a reason, whatever the reason maybe. While we are pointing our finger at one he is pointing at another, and wait... before you feel sorry for that poor soul, I suggest you turn around, he might be just pointing at you. Its a vicious cycle. So if you are reading this and you are so sure that I am wrongly accusing us all. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, if you embrace everyone, you love all and judge no one. If your answer is Yes than Congratulations you are the next Jesus Christ! If your answer is No, welcome, you are human with issues. Join the rest of us sinners.
Ps: If you hate the one who discriminates, than my friend you are a discriminator.