Weekends wise, the last one was one of the worse I've had. It all started a week back. As M.T knows and likes to laugh, I'm known for getting lumps in unmentionable places. As fate would have it, one developed last week and by Friday I was in agony. To compound it, I was running around doing errands for a week for my childhood friend, Mr Bear who had been admitted for 2nd degree facial burns because he has a fetish for flaming shooters and a face full of hair. Anyways, by 10pm on Friday I could barely sit down or stand for that matter. I was already at SGH at this point of time. And me being Mr Macho, I refused to go to the A & E to have it looked at. This, after being half crazed by the pain at work, I had taken a box cutter to the lump hoping to excise it myself and failing. After leaving the hospital, me and Little Turtle had taken the bus to go home when the pain became unbearable. Deciding that I should get professional help before I went postal and killed the bus driver for the torturous ride. I dropped and headed for the venerable institution, Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Reaching there I went through the admission process and had to answer rather silly questions like, " Did I fall and hurt myself" even though I had mentioned several times, "I HAVE A LUMP I WOULD LIKE REMOVED!!!" Finally I see the doctor who drops the bomb, " Sorry sir you will have to be admitted as the lump is an awkward position and we will need to see a specialist who will decide whether to operate. However it will be a day surgery and you should be able to go home by Saturday afternoon." Hearing this I thought to myself, being admitted for half a day can't be so bad... and agreed. After sticking me with the customary needles and shooting me up with painkillers, they wheeled me to the observation to await a place in the ward. Till next time,
Our thought for the day,
Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice?"