A pigeon sits on a bar...
Pigeon : prr prr
Brat : Prrr Prrr
Pigeon : prrrrrrrrrr prrrrrrr
well this goes on like for 5 mins
Poor Me : What the Hell are you doing ? do you want to go to the park or what?!
Brat : Hang on a second , just a little longer PLEASE!
Poor Me : Fine.
Another 5 mins later
Brat : Thanks for waiting we can go now.
Poor Me : Are you gonna tell me what just happened?
Brat : I guess she wont mind, the pigeon wished me Merry Christmas so I wished her happy holidays with her family and she said she has no family to go to for the holidays. So I told her we live close by and she is always welcome.
Poor Me : The pigeon told you all this?
Brat : Yes.
Poor me : How is that you understood all that?
Brat : Well I speak Pigeon.
Poor Me : since when?
Brat : for a while now, I also speak horse, English, German and Japanese, hmm right now I am working on German pigeon and Italian Pigeon.
Poor Me : German Pigeon ?
Brat : yaa...the German pigeon is more rough like PPRR PPRRR like that. Get it?
Poor Me : Honestly...I don't want to know! Just Promise me you will not add this in your resume one day!
Just for Takes
Me : I am sorry I have to give sandwich again for school lunch tomorrow.
Brat : Than I am also sorry I have to send lunch back tomorrow.
Me : Oh I am also so sorry, I found out you have not been cleaning your room, so you need to sleep in the garage for 1 wk as punishment.
Brat : Sandwich...YUMMY ! you are the best!