My mom faces racial bullying in China Sq by an old Chinese man. When I asked what was her response to him.
Mom: "Ignore the ignorant morons! Obviously he was expecting a response, why give him what he wants. I have too much class for that. So I just told your brother, let him go and handle it."
Me: "OMG!!! What happen to class?!"
Mom: " I said I have class, I didn't mention anything abt ur brother ok "
Me: Ma!!
Mom: "this is going to be so much fun hehe "
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Save the Pigeons ( the return of the pigeon activist)

After a 5 minute walk...
Brat : I need a drink!
poor me : I just got you a very expensive mineral water!
Brat : I need a coke or I'm going to drop!! Lets go here ( pointing to a cafe) our usual place! ( we have been there once)
Poor Me : Fine here is the money, go and get us 2 cokes. I'll sit here and rest.
(Brat walks back with a big smile)
Poor Me : where's my change Brat?
Brat : Can I keep the Change? Pleeeasssee!
Poor Me : As always I will ask you why? and that is a lot of money.
Brat : For my Fund.
Poor Me : What Fund ?
Brat : Save the Tsunami Pigeon Fund!
Poor Me : WAT the ...! are you out of your mind?! No wait don't answer that PLEASE.
Brat : You think The pigeons were not affected by the earthquake and the Tsunami? Everyone is only helping the people! What about the pigeons? I'm the only one who can talk to them and help them so I've started a fund for my pigeon friends!
Poor me : They are pigeons why the hell didn't they fly high and away?
Brat : Well...some of them were too slow and the ones that made it but lost their know nest! The water went all the way to the trees and damaged all their homes and I need to build them new ones!
Poor Me : Why do you need so much money to build nest for god sakes ?
Brat : WELL NEST ARE NOT CHEAP!!! That's why! ask lots of questions you know!
Poor Me : FINE! give my change back and go find some other IDIOT who will fund your 5 star Nest building Save the Pigeons Project!
Brat : That's a Great idea I'll ask DADDY!!!
Friday, April 08, 2011
Places to be, things to do and people to screw Part 2...
I was talking to M.T earlier today and we suddenly realized something one of our most talked about posts was our top 10 list. So we decided to come up with another one. Without further ado... Presenting our Top 5 Indians we'd like to *ahem* 'converse with... First up is mine.
At number 5

Arjun - In my books, You are a Gentleman if you have an ass like that. Oh man his ass is to die for!

At Number 4

Bhumika Chawla - She's got this good girl / bad girl thing going for her. The good girl I'd take home to meet the folks and the bad girl... Well let's just say I'd do many, many bad, bad things with her.
At number 3
And now presenting M.T's Top 5,
At number 5
Karthi -Just cause my mom has a crush on him. I will do anything to piss that woman off :)
At Number 4

Arun Pandian - First Indian dude to ever have 6 packs (not those in a can) and still looks good after 25 years!
At Number 3

At Number 2

John Abraham - Johnny Johnny Johnny...what can I say, my heart(and other parts of my body) goes Dhoom !
Number 1

Mahesh Babu - There is just something about this boy. I wanna grab those huge ass ears and ride him!
Till next time,
Our thoughts for the day,
Yield to Temptation... it may not pass your way again.
- M.T & Nightwatch
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