At Number 4

Bhumika Chawla - She's got this good girl / bad girl thing going for her. The good girl I'd take home to meet the folks and the bad girl... Well let's just say I'd do many, many bad, bad things with her.
At number 3
And now presenting M.T's Top 5,
At number 5
Karthi -Just cause my mom has a crush on him. I will do anything to piss that woman off :)
At Number 4

Arun Pandian - First Indian dude to ever have 6 packs (not those in a can) and still looks good after 25 years!
At Number 3

At Number 2

John Abraham - Johnny Johnny Johnny...what can I say, my heart(and other parts of my body) goes Dhoom !
Number 1

Mahesh Babu - There is just something about this boy. I wanna grab those huge ass ears and ride him!
Till next time,
Our thoughts for the day,
Yield to Temptation... it may not pass your way again.
- M.T & Nightwatch