Brat : Bye Bye Daddy
Daddy: Bye
sound of car driving off
Brat : You know last night who took my the tooth?
Poor me : The tooth fairy?
Brat : NOOOOOOO It was Daddy!
Poor Me : Ya right. Why would he do that?
Brat : I swear to you ! It was DADDY! he came into my room last night and took my tooth from under my pillow and left the money there.
Poor Me : Why would your father want your disgusting tooth? and even pay you for it?
Brat : look you need to believe me, I saw him !
Poor Me : still can't be. I saw and heard him snore the whole night Brat. It's impossible...you must have been dreaming.
Brat : well The tooth fairies have special powers! they can throw some magic dust on you and make you fall into deep deep sleep and they go out looking for tooth under kid's pillows!
Poor Me : WHAT?!
Brat : Do you know what does this mean?! This is So Cool! My Dad is a tooth fairy!!! Oh man I can't wait to tell my friends.
Poor Me : OH God NO!
Brat : My Daddy is a tooth fairy lalalala my daddy is a tooth fairy lalalala I'm gonna make a song for him. Yeah!
Poor me : This is definitely Not helping my sex life :)
Brat : What did you say?
Poor Me : Nothing I'm just happy for you that your Dad is "special"
Brat : Thanks! My daddy is special. My daddy is special. lalalala...
Poor Me : ok you can stop singing now!