And what is the justification pray tell? You decided I'm gonna make your life miserable & you're
trying. Kudos to you... But justification does not make it god's own truth. What makes you god to decide that your justification is more valid than mine? And now to the main thrust of this blog...
Does knowing someone for all your life justify trying to bad mouth them? Ruin their matrimonial life? Sling mud on their character? Live a pretense and expect it to be endorsed? Does that give you the right to pretend to be a saint when in actuality you are a cheap low down whore? I learnt a lot of things about a person I've known most of my adult life in 2 hours then in all the time I've known them... And all of it from someone who barely knows you... How do you justify all you've said and done?The 'strong',independent woman of the nineties' is all a farce isn't it darling??? At heart you're just a typical Indian woman who needs a prick to rule your life... Is your biological clock ticking??? Tick,tock,tick,tock... BTW what gives you the right to take it upon yourself to disseminate information which was told to you in the strictest confidence? Who are you to judge someone else's values and morals when you yourself have none. In the end Peru, when the shit hits the fan for you, I will sit sipping my Vodka Ribena with some dear and close friends watching your slow and painful downfall... And when it is over we will turn around and walk away leaving you friendless and destitute... Oh, and by the way your descent into hell has already begun...
Our thought for the day,
A person who buries his head in the sand offers an engaging target.
- Nightwatch
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