What is it with some people? It's been a year now? You've got a new job, a new hair do, a new love interest, a new 'perspective' on life etc, etc? Let it go man... Aren't you tired of grinding the same beans? To put it another way, I am no one's whipping boy. If you got issues go get professional help. Stop whining and taking a holier than thou attitude. Don't blame me man. Even your friends think you need it a better half to complete you. That's not my fault. I don't give a rat's ass what any of your friends think nor do I care, but you obviously do. Where were all these friends when you were dating me by the way? Never did hear about them or see them. Now it seems like everyone knew the relationship was doomed from the get go and you were being heroic and trying to prove them wrong... Hmmm... Ooh, look everyone!!! A martyr!!! Like you said you never were in my league, maybe you should aim lower, not higher. There may be someone out there who is just like you, someone who would rather blog their feelings then sit down and talk about them. Keeping it real you know... LoL... Go get laid darling, have a good fuck and get it out of your system... But then again... you have ta participate for best results, lying like a corpse just doesn't do it for some... Sure as hell didn't do it for me... But hey, can't blame a guy for trying to get a reaction...
Till next time,
Our thought for the day,
The Kindergarten Theory for sex :If you can't play with your toys properly, you get them taken away.
- Nightwatch