Have you ever notice when you listen to white ppl ( PLS note that I have the decency to acknowledge the whites as all, white Scottish, English AMERICANS, GERMANS, FRENCH...etc)talk about Asians they don't mean us or the rest of us. When the whites for example say 'hey they are showing an Asian movie" or when they say " do they play Asian music in the clubs?" They don't mean the Turkish or the Pakistanis or not even the Russians. They mean the Chinese. White ppl don't consider or rather have no idea how fucking BIG Asia is. This is how small Asia is for them...Korea, HongKong, Taiwan and of cause our ever favourite China. So basically if you have no eye lid you are an Asian and rest of us ...are 'others'. How the fuck is it that Asia is the world's largest and most populous continent, and there are only 4 countries in it? Not also forgetting that we cover 60% of the world's current human population. That Definitely is possible with 4 countries. Sorry Sorry I left out Japan I stand corrected they also consider Japan as an Asian country, all thanks to The Karate kid. Poor Mr Miyagi had to play that bloody character 4 times (including the next karate kid, oh god.) so the Americans can get it. How many times do we have to use Aiswarya the Naai, to get it through their head?! Please you dumb fucks get it already cause I can't see the bitch 1 more time myself. I am sure my brown sisters will agree with me, we don't want a skinny white, colored eyed bitch representing Indian(Asian by the way) beauty. FUCK YOU Aiswarya, thanks to you, no ass holes believe we are Indians when we travel. Oh and those who Know a little about Asia, act as if they know more than they do. Met a German guy 1st time at his place, he shakes my hand and says...
German asshole : "do you speak English?"
pretty me : "yes I do",
German asshole : "good. cause I don't speak Hindi."
WTF!!! ( not only he knows I am from Singapore obviously I Speak English, and he knows that i am Indian, both Places where the bloody English were!! not that i am proud of it. My horror is I should be asking him if he speaks English. When did his Grandmother get her Vagina deflowered my an English "gentleman"?!.
Pretty me : "Neither do I asshole"
German asshole : "sorry what?"
Pretty me : " NEITHER DO I!"
German asshole: " What is your language""
Pretty me : " My mother tongue is Tamil"
German asshole : " Oh I see"
Pretty Me : no you don't as if you knw what tamil is
German Asshole :"How many languages are there?"
Pretty me : "About 20 at least I guess"
German asshole: "OH............Pls come in to the living room"
Pretty me : "of cause, after you, dummes Schwein"
The highlight of this is his kid's godmother is supposedly Indian. Good job asshole on researching on your kids godmother's country and culture!
Anyways back to White ppl are not so clever. So from now on whoever is reading this (applies to Asians only) shall take the responsibilities upon themselves. I don't care where you come from...Vietnam, Maldives or Cyprus. You meet a white person introduce yourself name, country and CONTINENT!!! specify the CONTINENT. Eventually one day...in 300 hundred years perhaps if the world survives, global warming, starvation, nuclear wars. The white ppl will get it and decide to take a peek at the world map. Just a peek will do.
ps: You can't fix stupid