At a Glance
• Works hard, puts in long hours and keeps busy with work.
• Focused on tasks, persists until job is done.
• Detailed, meticulous and observant, quick to pick out abnormalities.
• Objective, but may appear detached.
• Does not seek positions of power or authority.
• A good supporter of others.
• Likes intellectual discussions, likes to explore ideas.
• Needs clear and thorough instructions, slow to act when uncertain.
While at Work
Diligence and discipline are characteristics of Mr Nightwatch's work attitude. He is often pre-occupied with the tasks at hand. As he derives satisfaction from being immersed in work and thrives on being involved, expect Mr Nightwatch to put in long and extended hours at work.
Mr Nightwatch is relatively dependable to deliver results on time. He may sometimes be late in meeting deadlines.
Mr Nightwatch persists with a task until it is completed. Determination, commitment and perseverance are his strength; hence he can be depended upon to meet work obligations. Mr Nightwatch is suitable for long-term projects because he is sufficiently focused to see them through completion.
Mr Nightwatch is likely to be quality-conscious and achievement-oriented. He is motivated to produce work that is of a high standard. He is observant, quick to spot errors and critical where work is concerned. He is likely to be meticulous, careful and pre-occupied with detail.
Mr Nightwatch is an objective person who is impartial and rational. He speaks factually and often does not involve his own feelings and emotions. He may sometimes be perceived as distant or detached.
Although Mr Nightwatch is usually a sympathetic person, he may at times be selective about being involved in the personal problems of people.
Mr Nightwatch is friendly and outgoing when he is with friends although he may at times prefer to be quiet.
Mr Nightwatch selectively forms strong bonds with people although these bonds may not be very deep.
Positions of power, influence and authority are not Mr Nightwatch's concern. He does not mind letting others assert authority over him. He is accommodating, laid back and easy-going.
Mr Nightwatch is moderately concerned with prestige, rank and reputation.
Mr Nightwatch is at times able to engage people to accomplish his objectives.
A good supporter to the people around him, Mr Nightwatch does not desire to lead or influence people. He is uncomfortable taking charge and does not feel the thrill of challenge in leading others. He prefers to responds rather than initiate. He looks to others to provide direction and does not naturally want to persuade or motivate others to take a certain course of action.
Intellectually inquisitive and extremely interested in knowledge acquisition, Mr Nightwatch enjoys discussing hypothetical or theoretical issues. He is conceptual and likes to explore abstract ideas. Mr Nightwatch is a thinker, creative and inventive of ideas. He enjoys reading and is happiest sourcing for new ideas and information.
Mr Nightwatch puts in effort to plan ahead some of the times. He may at times not be as detailed in his planning.
Mr Nightwatch is generally able to express himself although not to a high degree of eloquence.
Being one who needs clear and thorough instructions before he can proceed on action, Mr Nightwatch resists when conditions are uncertain. He does not adapt easily to changes. Before he embarks on a new project, expect Mr Nightwatch to find out more and probe deeply.
Totally restored faith in myself man! Though I'm not too happy with the eloquence bit. What? Me not eloquent??? The bloody chee-b**s! :P Any comments anyone? Any disputes? Holla back if you got anything!!! Anyways, I gotta go, time to get back to the grind. Till next time,
Our thought for the day,
Just reflecting on the fact that when the Universe punches you in the teeth, it never just lets you fall down. It kicks you in the ribs a couple of times and dumps mud on your head.