I was in a deep thought about a conversation I had with someone (lets just call him Dick) last night. He is career driven man who is determined to make changes. When I mean changes I mean in his professional life. you see he has been very successful in everything he sets to do. Failure is a not a word that exist in his dictionary...than again so doesn't words like criticism, romantic, novels, mirror, rhythm and such. As he was advice to 'loosen' up abit at work an advice by a superior he admires most greatly he decides to be more accessible to his co-workers and his subordinates. Calling it Thursdays lunch with Dick. So they can see the other side of him and also he is accessible to them when they would like to have open discussions. As he asked me what I think. I think I used the word 'Brilliant'. I also was thinking at that very moment of the book I think half the world must of read called 'Tuesdays with Morrie'. It was also made into a TV movie later. Its about a true story of professor called Morrie a sociologist and his students, one in particular called Mitch who comes back after many years to visit him when he finds out Morrie is dying. They meet every Tuesday. Morrie teachers him philosophy of life till he dies, as he felt Mitch had not lived his life to the fullest and has not understood people.
I had a little chuckle inside while I took my sip of beer. Dick will be the perfect Morrie in the cut throat corporate world. He is a self proclaimed motivational speaker who supposedly inspires and motivates people at work all the time. In the future I hope there will be many Mitchs who will come up to him and confide in him. But if this was the real world Dick will not be Morrie he will be no doubt Mitch. He is no sociologist and terms like public sociology does not exist in his real world. But ironically it kind of does in his corporate world, for example quoting him,
Organizational behaviour Management (OBM) Towards Organizational Excellence.
Analyzing the fundamentals of organizations and their behaviour, 3 Key factors have to fall in place. People, people and people. Its is about individuals their feelings, beliefs and personal goals driving their behaviour.
what I am trying to get at is learning and adapting to the individual, keeping in mind that their past, their social status, their beliefs as everything to do with their behaviour and outcome of their actions is something that should be considered as long there is a purpose towards a goal and an excellence outcome. The end of the day "my reasons for understanding you is as long the numbers are crunched the projects are completed by date lines and the presentations went successfully. A Price , or rather a tick in the box has to await me in the end.
This is why he will not be Morrie in the real world. Its not that he doesn't understand sociology. He does he wrote briefly about it (may I add with graphs) in his thesis didn't he. Sadly using it one on one in a personal level where else there is no visual treat outcome is unattainable. So, for those who are goal oriented Thursdays with Dick is going to be so super. Cause he is going to listen and understand, and than mould you, I mean motivate you to reach your goal.
And for those who want to have meaningless conversations that go no where, with maybe "a little" alcohol involved, and Little bitching here and there about our fucked up lives that we are forced to live in. Mood swings etc... come on down to Wednesdays with Bipolar. Where M.T meets those lost souls with no aim in life. where we don't find solutions but dwell and embrace our crap. Yes...there is no price at the end. Just the wonderment in your already confused head "why the hell did I meet her in the first place". My Wednesdays availabilities will be handled by my very Attractive secretary nightwatch.
The little things I can obey.
But the big things, how we think, what we value,
Those you must choose yourself. You cant let anyone
or any society tertermine that for you.
- Morrie Schwartz