Mirror Mirror on the wall
Can I be pretty at all?
I know I like my faded jeans
Big tattered holes at my knees
Thick black eye liners on my lid
Tattoos showing when I lean
I am low maintenance, Not Antoinette
You should consider me knowing that
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Can I be pretty at all?
It's hard to like the fakers I hate
Harder to be nice, to keep my faith
I can' be skinny neither am I tall
My head plays re-runs of pretty ones fall
I like my big bands on my wrist
on Euphoric phase I take lots of risk
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Can I be pretty at all?
I try so hard everyday to look good
But just never enough for you too
There lots of smart girls out there
But simple minded men never play fair
Girls like us work twice as hard
Just to get the job and men we want
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Can I be pretty at all?
Son I am not angry for what you said
I am mad at God for creating men that way
Someday I hope you'd understand
Its easier to be like the rest of them
Find the girl will be there when you fall
Not the ones that around when you walk tall
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Can I be pretty at all?
What if I had a girl and not a boy
what I'd say, just be you, live in joy?
Girls on posters don't look like me mommy
Find your role models somewhere else honey
Oh When will I ever become Beautiful?
You are,no one sees it when its inside you.
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Can the rest of us be pretty at all?