Why do men get tired of women. Why do they stop trying. Ever wondered why they don't want to meet you as often as they did before? Well the answer is simple.
Lets go way back. Men are tuned in such away to hunt for everything. Their cave men instinct tells them so. The Hunt is the thrill. The process of trying to get their kill is most satisfying for them than the kill itself. Like for example Take clubbing ladies. Its not about being there Its about making the calls to your girlfriends, choosing what to wear which club to go to, waiting in the line when you get there. When you are inside the excitement isn't as it was 2 hrs ago, now you need the drinks to keep you there. This is how a men's mind work. Why you think they like sports, If they could chase anything they will. They just wanna run after everything. Balls, Cars, Sticks, and WOMEN. If they don't do it, they will sit all day and watch other men chase on TV.
If you are not yet in a relationship, he is working on the hunt to get the kill which is you. If you are already in a relationship the hunt is over. Why is it over ? you already know the answer to that one by now. Yes he is bored. By trying to change them you are messing with the order of nature. What I am going to reveal to you is something that I have learned over many years. The same complain I hear over and over from my boys in my years of being friends with guys is this. Women become too accessible! Yes you heard me Accessible. Ladies stop being available all the freaking time. Stop calling them every 30 Min's. Stop smsing them every 1hr. Stop asking them what they are doing all the time! If you are all the time on your man's face chances are, he is also seeing yours and is bored to death. You have to be far in order for him to hunt you. Imagine waving a nicely cut meat, wash and clean in front of a lion. constantly making sure he has enough meat everyday all day. He doesn't want to eat anymore he is bored to death, cause you not giving him a reason to eat. Its just there any time he wants. He wants to trail, sneak up on his prey and jump. Bottom line he wants to HUNT! He wants to earn his prize. So let your Men earn his Prize which is you.
Here is how you do it.
1. FRIENDS -Make sure you have friends and Keep your friends.
2. HOBBY - Have a hobby, that takes you away from him at least once a week.
3. WORK - If you work, work late sometimes.
4. CALLS - Don't call him more than once a day. The second call has to come from him.
5. FORGET - Say you will call, and don't. If asked. Say you forgot.(that means you have other things in your mind other than him constantly, YES YOU ARE a stalker if you cant stop thinking abt him.)
6. SMS - Sms sweet nothings, never too many questions.
7. OPTION - When he says he is not up to going out, he rather watch Tv. say ok, and go with your friends. (he is not your only option)
This is your 7 habits to be a 'wanted prey'. The more you have a life the more your man wants to be part of it. Not the other way round. Men are cool if you are not part of all aspect of his life. Women make the biggest mistake by wanting Men to be in all aspects of theirs. Stop that now!!! When you stop spending every waking moment together he would want to spend time with you on his own. If you pick up every call, say yes to everything. You are at his disposal. Let him chase you for you time, Let him know he is part of your life and not your WHOLE life. Cause the truth is, you are not his whole life either. At the end you are happy with yourself as a independent woman who has a man still chasing you and he is a happy puppy who gets to run around in his personal space and runs after his owner cause he is just so glad to see her. My last Advice is Every game should be played with a moderate intelligence. So don't try to be too smart by going over board with the 7 habits.
Ladies....Let the chase begin.