So there I was, on my couch feeling like a winner, after a 5 min fight to the death with a 6 year old for the remote control. Nothing to watch in particular just the usual channel surfing. So what if he was in the middle of show called 'Ben 10'.
Than there it was a familiar music and I was like ... No way. OMG I cant believe they are showing Beverly Hills 90210, the very 1st season at that. I turned to the Brat and said ...
Me: hey you know I used to watch this when I was a kid. It was the coolest show than.
Brat: Yucks, how old is this?
Me: not so old. Let me see ... maybe, Twen ... tter ... tee ... hrrmm years ago perhaps.
Brat: WHAT !!??!! 20 years ago?! Yucky ... they all look so ugly, and old.
Me: (taking a closer look and realised the Brat is right, I am kinda even embarrassed to admit I used to like the show.) Ya maybe but it was cool than and my brother used to buy me the T-shirts and books, everything Beverly Hills. I never missed a show. Mom and Dad hated the show and nagged me for watching it. I was so into it you know. See the guy here ... Brandon, Jason Priestley. oh my, I used to have a major crush on him. All girls did, and the boys tried to have his hair too. I was soooo in love.
Brat: that short guy? He is short like me and his hair looks funny. You love this funny guy? haaahahaaaa. That's so funny. Haaaahaahaa
Me: Look here you midget, I was young ok, when you are young you like things that are in. Beverly Hills was 'IN' at that time and it was COOL!
Brat: You mean like how Ben 10 is cool now and I like to wear all Ben 10 things?
Me: Yes Exactly, you got my point.
Brat: like how Kim possible is cool now, because she soooo sexy and the Jonas Brothers are cool too?
Me: Hmm I see where you are going with this. Well ... Short One ... Lesson learnt. Here is the remote ... knock yourself out. By the way, 1 day when you are my age you are so going to be embarrassed you used to like these stuff. Till than I need to go now and try to erase the memories of me proudly wearing my Beverly Hills T-shirts as a kid.