Uh the 2 weeks vacation was over in a jiff. Good times and stress bundled up in 2 weeks but its always is to see love ones. Christmas was cosy New year was quiet than it was time to be back to face winter. The dog was traumatised by her first experience in a pet hotel. In her head she thinks she was sent to rehab. She has changed to a new leaf. Acting more a lady compared to the pampered little bitch she was before we left. Than came the BIRTHDAY. A very interesting one I must add. A cool tart cake, adorable birthday song sang by the brat and presents ... Still no calls from home. Getting back to presents, my house keeper gave me a 3 in 1 Pilot pen with my name engraved on it ... cool. It is a little fantasy of mine since childhood to have a pilot pen with my name on it. Pathetic? I know! I am really low maintenance even as a child. Than she decided to give me a pen holder that looks a like a snow globe just no snow. ironically there are 3 polar bears floating on their ass around an island with palm trees. I wonder what is she trying to imply. Happy Birthday MT oh by the way global warming is creeping up on us all as you blow out your candles, which means you are not gonna live very long. Anyways despite a her sadistic move, I still thanked her like a good person my parents raised me ... still no calls from home.
Nice dinner at Westin and what better way to end the evening. Drinks. While sipping on my drink, I was reminded about the snow globe, which let me global warming, which let me to other world news ... than I came to the news I read in the morning. So stupid me started a conversation with the guy in font of me. Hey did you know ... Jordan wants 'their' dead sea scrolls back from the Jews. So the Jordan's have asked the Canada Government to seize the scrolls since the Jews loaned it to them for an exhibition. OK. 1st of all asking Canada to poke their nose into anything is as good as telling Switzerland there are actually poor people in the rest of the world. (BTW Tag Heuer has held my Tag for ransom, will get to that another time) So I don't see that happening. Than again holding onto what is not yours, to use finders keepers as an argument, you are not in 3rd Grade. This is like India finding an ancient chopsticks and claiming its theirs even thou they have no idea how to use it. Than I guess I must of hit a nerve. I forgot in an instant the guy I was talking to had a sensitive past to Jordan, I mean Lebanon or was it even Jordon? Oh man who would know. Well as expected from someone who has yet to learn so much more about principle I clearly understand he only took notice of the effected parties and not the principle as the core source of my point. I decide to let the moron off the hook, especially since he just downed a 12 year old whiskey. I paid and left ... Still no call from home. I got into bed and prayed. Selfishly I asked for patience, acceptance, unity and balance in the world. cliche I know but hell ya world peace will be nice not now but maybe for my grand kids. That will be Grand.
So still no call from home, My mom have no idea how to use a calling card, so she conveniently decided to wait till I call her to wish me for my birthday. When my friend The 'HUNK' called her to ask if she called me she said yes but no one answered. She didn't want him to think bad of her since she has a crush on him and is more eager to wish him for his birthday which is in a couple of days. I don't blame her, Everyone has a crush on him, even the guy I'd mentioned earlier. The sensitive one. Rumor has it that the sensitive one whom I prefer to call the one with the facts is the best in Singapore, Jordan/Lebanon, China and some say Kerala.