Wanting change doesn’t mean lack of gratitude. There have
been so many voices around on the latest issues. Words were exchanged. Comments
were made. Ideas were thrown out of context. The latest accusations among many
before were Gratitude. The young ones lack of it that is. Wanting a change does
not mean disgracing the pass or disrespecting the fundamental of history. What
is so wrong in wanting a change, even if we are going to regret it? How will I
know it’s a mistake if I shy away from the possibilities? Would we have come
this far if our older generations shied away from the possibilities of change
that was offered to them than? If we do regret, let us cross that bridge when we
get there. Let us apologise than and not before I have even tried to “rebel”. We are thankful for what has happened but I
refuse to say I am sorry for wanting to have a change even if it makes us look “ungrateful”.
I’m grateful for my parents upbringing, I’ve learned allot
from them which I will carry on with my kids but not all of their values suit
the next generation. I have to adapt to the time and social pressures the kids
are facing now. The parenting that worked 2 decades ago may not work now. We have been evolving so fast and to evolve
you need changes to implement your social standings. Let it be your career,
family, media, etc. We are such creatures, in need of constant changes. Or else
we would have not embraced new radical ideas centuries after centuries. If
wanting change is being ungrateful than we should have said No Thank you Mr
Karl Benz, I will stick to the horses cause I’m just being grateful and they
are reliable. Bill I don’t need for all that fancy Microsoft thing you are
doing in your basement because that’s why we have pens for you nerd. Imagine cavemen
being ungrateful to animal skin/fur just because they found how to make fire. I
doubt they walked around naked just because they had fire. Going “I no need
warm animal on body...I god, make fire! Screw the animals!” What will jockeys do without horses and it’s
not as if we don’t use a pen still. The good never goes out of style or never
gets erased from history. Why does some thing new that will make us think, and
evolve as a society has to be labelled as “ungrateful children”?
None of us would have benefited anything from science if not
for taking chances. Having said that, if wanting change makes us youngling’s
brats, let it be. From what our own history has taught us is... the brats make
history. You have made yours and now let us make ours. Let it be family,
career, Sports, engineering, medicine or even something as small as politics.