M.T: Let’s do FAQ
Nightwatch: Ok.
No 1. Why the Name/Tittle?
Nightwatch: Cuz we hoped to get syndicated and make
money from the blog.
M.T: just realized I never actually asked you why you chose the tittle
Nightwatch: We actually discussed it dei...
M.T: ok sorry ...bajani
No2. Why start the blog?
NIghtwatch: Because we were bored, frustrated and
wanted to make a point to certain people.
M.T: remember we were actually against blogging and thought bloggers
were lame people with no life whatsoever
Nightwatch: That's true... LoL
M.T: At the time when we started it just kinda got heated up with new
bloggers back home.
Nightwatch: Yup.
No 3. Who is Night watch?
M.T: I will answer this!!!
He is a mysterious creature of the Nite, who goes around saving
damsels in distress or just need a good time?!
Nightwatch: I do? Really?
M.T: ok maybe not,
Do you want to reveal your identity?
Nightwatch: No?Let's just say I'm tall,
dark and good looking...
No 4. Why is there no picture of you guys on the blog?
Nightwatch: Refer to previous question...We like the whole sexy mysterious thing...
No 5. How
did you both meet and when?
Nightwatch: It was a dark and stormy night...
M.T: IT was?
Nightwatch: The setting, a school campus...The event.... Actually I don't remember...
M.T: neither do I, It was a concert or something
Nightwatch: We just don't care. All people need to know is that we've known each other for a
long time...
M.T: yup I Agree. We met about 16 or 17 years ago and that’s it!
Nightwatch: 15 mike. We met in 97'
M.T: oh ok 15 that’s it! Through a mutual bitch we knew those days...moving on
Nightwatch: Now, that's a story!
No 6. Does it bother your family and friends when you guys write about
M.T: I never really asked anyone how they felt
Nightwatch: Neither have I. And since they haven't
said anything I assume they don't mind...
M.T: usually when it’s about someone else they know they comment but if
it’s about them they never confronted us I guess.
Nightwatch: I don't think they dare actually...
M.T I know 1 guy would kick our ass actually
Nightwatch: Is he the confused one?
M.T: Appu Azgappa!
Nightwatch: Oh... That one...
M.T: yup, he we normally don’t write about, that boy is Dangerous!
No7. Do you deliberately
hurt certain people when you write?
M.T: No I don’t. Many times after I finish posting my entry up, I get a call from someone
saying I am an insensitive bitch And I should think before I write etc...
What about you dei?
Nightwatch: Actually, truth be told, it's our blog and
I don't give flying fudge if people are hurt by what's written. As we mentioned
in our very first posts, this is our place to let off some steam. And if you
can't handle it... Stay out of the
kitchen! Or to quote Lil Wayne,
"Don't go around fire expecting not to sweat."
M.T: hehe...Amen. Very true. Anyone who feels uncomfortable can always stop reading
but they keep coming for more and expect us to change. Weird.
No.8 Why don’t do Broadcasting?
Nightwatch: Same reason why we don't put up our pics
or reveal personal details. We're shy... LoL
M.T: I just think I have a horrible horrible voice!
Nightwatch: Hey! We're sexy, sexy beasts! Including
our voices!
M.T: you
have a sexy telephone voice I agree, I don’t
Nightwatch: You're just modest dei.
M.T: *Blush*
No.9. why don’t you both find time to write more entries?
M.T: That’s my problem... TIME! I have no time
to even proof read my entries
Nightwatch: I don't know about you, but I actually
want to have a life. Plus, I have a day job, crazy friends, crazier wife and I actually
spend way too much time in front of a laptop. And yes we are!
M.T: Worst question coming up!
No 10. Did we used to date?
M.T: HELL to the NO! I’m too crazy for him!
Nightwatch: Good lord! Crazy meets crazier! World War
3 would have happened. Plus we're much better as friends than if were very
bf/gf at some point of time. We have enough personal baggage without that
thrown into the mix, thanks but thank god!
M.T: ha-ha
No11. How do your partners feel about you guys airing your laundry
out there?
Nightwatch: Again, they've never commented so I assume
it doesn't bother them. But if it does... Nyah, nyah!
M.T: I never asked my spouse how he felt. I don’t really care what he
thinks honestly. He never knew much or was actually not very interested to read
the blog in the beginning. He got interested more these last 2 years I think.
No.12. who are the TMNT?
M.T: I think I leave it to you to answer this one da
Nightwatch: People don't know? Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael
and Donatello. Get with the programme
No13. Why don’t the Brat and Nightwatch talk more?
Nightwatch: cuz there's only 5315.37km separating us. Seriously
IDD expenses plus the brat has memory issues. Sometimes I think there's a goldfish residing between his
No.14. what does M.T stands for?
Nightwatch: You want to answer this?
M.T: Nope
Nightwatch: You really want me to answer?
M.T: Nope, I know you dying to But no thanks.
Nightwatch: That would require an explanation as
No 15. When will you guys close shop? Ever thought of closing down
this blog and do a makeover with a new blog, like many other bloggers?
Nightwatch: Why? We're perfectly happy with this one.
We may branch out, but this will always be our baby...
M.T: I don’t see the reason to change the blog site but I have thought
of a makeover, To change the background maybe?
Nightwatch: We do that like once a year dei...
M.T: no we don’t, we have had this blue back ground for 3 yea
Nightwatch: Really? You're the artistic co-ordinator dei.
M.T: So I guess we are done
than. Thank you very much for your Time. Any last comments?
Nightwatch: Anyways, if there are further queries, please email
them to mailto:willigetananswer@nouwont.com.
M.T & Nightwatch
"One good reason to maintain a small circle of friends is that 3 out of 4 murders are commited by people who know the victim."