Hey gal ,
sorry to have frighten you with the little drama that nite. I was kool abt you knowing, so relax. I was just kidding around with the sad faces and all. I should have known you are not used to our crazy ways. So anyway, go on sit back and enjoy reading.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
happy clismas!

Finally christmas is over. Its traditional at home to open presents on christmas eve at midnite. The whole year has been tough on all of us. none of us were in the christmas spirits. But cyrus the virus was very keen to have a tree this year, fortunately we are aware of his uncontrolable little hands and feet. Since there was no tree, on the 24th we decided to at least make the house christmas like. At 3pm we started cleaning up the whole house, clearing up the storage and putting up decoration. finally by 9pm we were done. We sat down with a bottle of wine waited for our pizza I made a gift table and layed out the gifts. 1hr 1/2 later still no pizza. the wine was getting to me on an empty stomach. By 11pm dinner was done, and soon cyrus was itching to open up his gifts. as always he opens all his gifts first, he started....next...next...next there was no end, all the gifts were for him. There were 2 tables and both were filled with his gifts!
Every christmas since we have had cyrus, I think abt christmas when I was young. Not so pleasent. My brother and I never got anything...NOTHING! My brother was the eldest among the cousins. I used to atleast get hand me downs from a cousin who was 4 years older than me, the good thing was she was just alittle taller than me but the bad news was she was a FAT bitch. So there I was for many dreadful growing years skinny and short with huge clothes. You may ask why didnt my mom aleast got the clothes altered...well...the answer is...thats just my mom.
There was 1 year i will never forget the only decent looking clothes I had was this long denim skirt and an ugliest black and white checkered shirt which was too big so I had to fold the sleeves so much it looked like i bandaged my elbows, The skirt was soo long i had to fold it on the top and wear a big belt on it so it doesnt fall off. I was forced to go for a christmas party looking like that and we still had to buy the host a gift, so my mom and dad had to squeeze every penny to get one! Its already bad enough to have crapy christmas every year while growing up, why force us to go to people's house to embaress us further. I blame those idiotic relatives who go on saying "If you dont come for christmas this year with your kids I will never talk to you again" or the best one was " You disrespect me by not excepting my invitation." I cant believe my folks aways fell for that shit.And all I wished for christmas every year was to say..."oh fuck a christmas tree you old fart!!" To all those realtives who just wanted to show off how well off they are. Well actually I finally did and we stopped recieving invitations...HO HO HO!
Before you go sobbing and shit wait...I did finally start liking christmas, when I started drinking. HO HO HO Sweet Mother of alcohol....Friends....This was the first time I enjoyed christmas. christmas meant more when I had friends with me getting drunk in a club. Loud ear drum bursting music and loads of drinks and all you bring to the party is yourself, and the dress code is a T-shirt and torn pair of old jeans and you have a blast! Thats what I call Christmas.
So the moral of the story is...Its not abt the new clothes you get or the gifts. Not abt the new furniture you got for christmas. Its not abt the having a christmas party to show off to your relatives and friends. Its Abt Sharing.........the alcohol!
Friday, December 15, 2006
FACTS OF THE WEEK - தமிழ் எழுத்துகள்

Tamil (தமிழ்) is a classical language and one of the major languages of the Dravidian language family. It is also the Dravidian language with the oldest extant literature. Spoken predominantly by Tamils in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Singapore, it has smaller communities of speakers in many other countries. As of 1996, it was the eighteenth most spoken language, with over 74 million speakers worldwide. It is one of the official languages of India, Singapore, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.
Tamil is one of the few living classical languages and has an unbroken literary tradition of over two millennia. The high level of diglossia exhibited by Tamil, and the prestige accorded to classical Tamil, have resulted in much of the vocabulary and forms of classical Tamil being preserved in modern literary Tamil, such that the higher registers of literary Tamil tend towards the classical language. The classical language also forms an important part of Tamil-medium education
Tamil is one of the few living classical languages and has an unbroken literary tradition of over two millennia. The high level of diglossia exhibited by Tamil, and the prestige accorded to classical Tamil, have resulted in much of the vocabulary and forms of classical Tamil being preserved in modern literary Tamil, such that the higher registers of literary Tamil tend towards the classical language. The classical language also forms an important part of Tamil-medium education
Tamil alpha
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Feng Shui this... bitch

I was given a short article of 2 pages to read and consider following the ways of fung shui...as i read through the 1st page i was engrossed by the simplicity of enhancing your life for the better. Let me give some major importance of fengshui...
fire, wood, earth, metal and water, five elements within your own home to ACTIVATE good chi.
south is related to fire, north to water, east to wood and west to metal.
everyone has an element this is known as the SELF-ELEMENT.
for example wood is important to a person with a weak fire element, so if you need to activate the WOOD element, place a plant in the east sector.
there are also the four celestial creatures-green dragon, WHITE tiger, red phoenix and BLACK tortoise refer to landscape surrounding the house...wait a minute wait a minute I think i just created my very own feng shui method. Now lets put all the capital letters together...lets see..
To be able to comprehend fengshui...first you have to start to ACTIVATE your brain cells, So it may help to keep your SELF-ELEMENT alife. Cause I will put up a WOODEN stake up your WHITE ass, if you ever come to a BLACK person and give the fengshui talk again, you undersatnd me...you stupid fuck!
so thats all folks for todays lesson...
Monday, December 11, 2006

Hmm Foundation hey...thats how I picture myself, when i heard you say that I was your foundation... me carrying a load of garbage full of shit. Haha but honey dont you worry its all in good fun. I know you will read this one day and go into a mid life crisis...and I will be the bitch who couldnt be happy for being so important in your life...NEWS FLASH !!! I DONT WANT TO BE EVEN ALIFE let alone be in yours.
well life goes on. tomorrow is another shitty day...till than...
Friday, December 08, 2006
The greatest lies of all time...

- I love you
- This won't hurt a bit
- The cheque's in the mail
- I was just going to call you
- I swear I won't come in your mouth
- Of course I'll respect you in the morning
- We have a really challenging assignment for you
- I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you
Agree or Disagree???
Till next time,
Our thought for the day,
There is still time for things to go horribly wrong.
- Nightwatch
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
My tarot card haha

You are The Devil
Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession
The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition.
Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really "Satan" at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because you allow it.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
we dont talk?

It confused me when i heard you say we don't talk any more. when did we ever talked. There isn't anything to say anymore. Everything has been said...nothing has been done. I have been misunderstood and accused of crimes I did not commit. You said you missed me...when you see me very day. why? cause i am here but not my mind. I have been accused many times for not showing concern about your life. I only sit there and talk. so now I keep quiet and listen, and thats bad too. You want the old me back, but I have lost her myself. I don't know how to get her back. Nothing will anymore I guess. I speak my mind here, where i will not be attacked, end up listening to cries of sensitive statements from you. I write and I go to my cold bed, and pray hard to fall asleep. So I have the strenght to live another day of hardship in this lonely world of mine. Today when I started making conversation...telling you how my day went, by the time I took a breath to finish, you have started talking. At the end i heard you talk for 20 mins and when you were done you asked if I had any funny stories to tell to make you feel better. I was going to tell you something funny if you had not interupt me in the first place! Normally this would have made me angry, but now i have no emotions...so pls let the old me be lost. Do not bother to find her. Let her be just a memory nothing more...cause thats all she deserves!
Friday, December 01, 2006

Our thought for the day,
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken...
- Nightwatch
Thursday, November 30, 2006

This has been goin on too long. STOP trying to be me, cause you cant and you are making a fool of yourself! You wanna wear what i wear. You wanna date the kind of people i go out with. You try to talk funny, thinking that accsent actually sounds real. while all of us laugh at you. Stop humilating yourself. STOP already. You cant be me, you try all you want babe but you know what, you cant imitate good looks and especially not class. But hats off to you for trying so hard all these years. Now its time to let go, go and figure out what is best for you. Its starting to freak me out. others are starting to notice,and i am tired of you coping me and thinking you are better than me.
I cant actually believe you thought that you will look good wearing what i wear, babe i make the shit i wear look good not the other way round, thats the diff .
So fuck you for even trying!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
uh...what was I about to say...
Can't remember the last time I wrote...mayb a mth ago. Busy. Tired very tired perhaps. Not only physically, especially mentally. I have started losing my memory too. why all of these happening to me i don't know. Mayb I do i just don't want to say it out loud than i am different from the others. You know the norm. i am starting to believe i am not cut out for family life. This constant noice, expectations, reponsibilities, noise, budgets...did i mention noise. The list goes on. when it gets too much I learned to switch off. I guess thats why i cant remember things now. I can read something and forget it the next minute hmm. Do I want help for the memory lost...mayb not. wait that loud noise again...screaming. stop stop please stop that screaming. Now where was I...oh ya no help for me thank you, doing just fine being lost. It sounds memory lost is quite a trouble but that seems to be the only little comfort i have now in a wierd way. Too tired to write more. Hard to remember the things I wanna say. So God bless you single people. You lucky fuckers.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for...

"Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. "My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.
The Mentor, "The Conscience of a Hacker"
Yes, I am a techie. Yes, I have an ego. Yes I have an opinion. And, Yes, I do think that that is my crime. Doesn't matter that your boobies are a handful darling, you just can't handle the fact that I let you go. Why would I need to read a blog to find out what you're feeling when I'm sitting in front of you face to face? You proclaim you're an ice queen... Soundbyte... Ice queens don't have emotions, not pretend like they don't have them. Ah... that felt good. Now back to our regular programming... : ) Till next time,
Our thought for the day,
Don't take life too serious. You'll never escape it alive anyway. : )
Monday, September 25, 2006

Women... Depending on which side of the fence you're on, u either think that they are God's gift to men for being really good or the Devil's way of visiting hell on earth. You either adore them or despise them. I adore them.. : ) Can't live without them in fact. Which is why I'm always amused by what I call the "Do as I say, don't do as I do" syndrome. Picture this, guy and girl do the exact same thing. But guy is berated, shot down and generally abased till he agrees to not do it again. Heaven help him if he forgets, a new round of recrimination is brought about till guy generally feels like shit.... On the other hand... Girl will immediately deny any form of wrong doing, promptly burst into tears and vehemently vow never to do it again. Then after two weeks conveniently forget, do the same thing again and then ask innocently, "Are you angry about something?" How do you respond? Cuz no matter how you respond you know you're in deep doo doo. If you tell her off, (a) She'll have a perfectly reasonable (to her) explanation and you are being unreasonable or (b) Tell you that you don't have any right to tell her what to do or bring up the past... If you don't, the girl takes it that you have forgotten her promise and repeats till you tell her off when refer to (a) and (b). But you gotta agree, without them, life would be so boring. It'd be like walking in the sun all your life and suddenly falling into a crevice with no light and getting stuck there. You realize that life's not worth the hassle if it weren't for them... Till next time,
Thought for the day,
It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others. ; )
Friday, September 22, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
The Power of Love
I understand the power of words comes from pain...my dear b.y now i know why you where bitching your way all this while. cause the moment you started living life as it is. It wasnt fun reading your blog any more. you need some drama in your boring life asap woman, so till than we shall wait for our old b.y to come on board the kookoo train!
who and what are we, what our intentions are...the tittle says it all hehe and hopefully we have fun doing this shit along the way. Topics on everything and anything our minds tells us. With my multible personalities and my co- writer's alter ego, we maybe able to open doors to new ideas or get doors slamming on our pretty faces. Anyway who the hell cares...just read if you bloody want...
The first post...

Hey!!! You there!!! Yes you, the one looking at this blog and trying to make sense of it...Well don't bother. This is the ramblings of a select group of demented souls.... Like the title of the blog says... We're in it for the $$$. Hehehe... We're here to whine and bitch and hopefully amuse you in our own ways... If you're looking for depressive and judgemental posts... Try lifes n whines... But don't tell the author we told you awite... ; ) . Till next time... Our thought for the day...
The only real proof that there is intelligent life in outer space is that they have never tried to contact us.
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