Our thought for the day,
Don't apologize for your choices. They are the only things that define you ultimately.
Supergroove is a funk Rock band from New Zealand. They released their first album in 1994. I had weird taste in music(I think I still do). I remember I found the Album in tower records and thought Cool cover. listened and that day my little narrow mind of Rock medium widened. Heavy-metal, Alternative rock, Punk rock...etc. were yester news to me. Funk Rock was cool. Music as alot to do with fashion too. Its inter linked. Maybe that's why I liked it. It fitted my wardrobe budget at that time. ( also its good music)
For example, kids into emo rock will be all in black with heavy boots and straight long fringe black eye( if you can see their eye behind that girly bangs) moving back to Rock. Heavy metal rock guys would have very long permed or straight hair and tight jeans and tight tees and black bands on thier wrist. They would look Little like their girlfriends.
Funk Rock gave teenagers a new revolution in the 90's. Baggy jeans. size wouldn't matter. so you can steal your big brother's jeans. Any type of Tees preferably with no brands or words, and definately definately a cool pair of shades. ( Dont forget a cap/hat. very important, main accessories and great for bad hair days! Emos and Rockers cant do that cause for them its all about the hair!!)
So widen your hearing. If you are into rock. Try old bands and the new bands. Stop MTV from telling you what you like and don't. There are great bands out there with less recognition in Singapore. We are too much influenced by the American media. That's what MTV and Radio stations do here too. They show us and make us listen to what sells in America. How much more of Rihana, Beyounce, 5o Cents and One Republic can we listen too?
Most ppl I know are into alternative Rock now. But seriously ppl there are more out there than LimpBizkit and Linkin Park. Not sure where to start. Bring your ass down to HMV or The CD Shop in town, Go to the international sections. walk away from the best sellers. Be brave and listen. You may find out something about yourself that you never knew before, And who knows you might actually start expressing yourself through fashion, when you are influenced by the music that you explore.
So fun listening and fun dressing up
ps: I swear to God if I have to listen to 'Its too late to apologise' one more time, heads might roll.
As much as we hate and criticize Tamil cinema. We still watch them. Why ? cause its part of the Indian culture. We believed in the 70's that Rajini could fight of 15 bad guys. In the 80's we believed when villain actually lives in a studio 54 discotheque like home. In the 90's we started questioning all that we have been brain fed about Tamil cinema. The 90's was some kind of a awakening for the sleeping tamilians. We woke up and went "oh fuck we have been screwed for sooo long." They have been making a fool out of all of us. Why the fuck does the police always comes at the end and shoots his pistol that makes too much smoke and says 'hands up' where the fuck were they 1hr ago? Why does the villain's main aim in life is to rape? Why are the heroine the fair pretty ones and all her friends are ugly? And what kind of a cunt gets bitch slap by a ugly mother fucker and goes 'I love You.'? Whats the moral? Every Indian woman needs to be tamed by a ugly mother fucker!? I can keep going...maybe another time. As I was saying why is Tamil cinema still a multi billion dollar industry despite most of us have woken up in the 90's. CAUSE we still fucking watch it that's why. Before we watched it cause there wasn't anything much to do, now we watch it so we can point out the crap they make. Comedy movies have failed to make me laugh as much as Tamil cinema has over the years. Either way the Tamil cinema industry makes its money and everyone lives happily ever after. They get their dough, we get our laughs.
My covo with Aapu regarding Tamil movie that ended up with Aapu assuring me I cant involve my friends in my quests of finding a career in Cinie field.
M.T : I think When I get rich i wanna go to Chennai and become a producer/director.
Aapu : Why?
M.T : Cause I am tired of seeing bloody ugly dark fuckers acting with those fair girls. They are not even Tamil girls. So I wanna only have Dark, pretty Tamil speaking girls as heroines and Fair heroes for once in the history of Tamil cinema.
M.T : NO. You will not be the hero in my movie!
Aapu : Why not? I promise to do a good job.
M.T : That's the prob. You will be bugging me about having a bed scene. I am not going to spend loads of money so that you can 'Amugeran' the girl OK. I have to hire 80 over crew people and pay them so that you can have a bed scene is it? Its cheaper if I would just ask the girl to sleep with you. No need to take movie all.
Aapu : Hehehe...hey what about Samurai Singaram he can be the villain.
M.T : What else can he do but that, there is also a prob with that. He will insist on a unnecessary bloodshed scene and a rape scene right after that!
Aapu : HAHAAHAAAAAAaaaaaaa what about Nightwatch?
M.T : Very BIG PROB da. That fellow will end up marrying my heroine. Production will have to stop, cause heroine ran away with hero!
Aapu : heheeheheheheehahaahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Have A great Tamil movie watching Weekend,
An old friend sent me this song from Kid Rock. He says it reminds him of the good old days. I cant agree more.
Everyone had those mindless, without a cause...cheap booze, 1 long month mind blowing attraction Summer, while growing up.
Its new, just released march this Year. Enjoy video and lyrics!
Yours Truly,
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