Wat can I say about her...
Hmm...Tough one... Let's see... Crazy,
Emotional, Psychotic, Chirpy lil Air
Head @ times, A shoulder to lean on,
Amusing, A self proclaimed bitch, A
child stuck in a woman's body, An ass
to die 4, A rich laugh dat really
brightens your day, Trouble and
wonderment all neatly wrapped up in
one package, Problem child, Rebel
wannabe, Daddy's girl, Sassy,
Determined, Lost child, Prankster,
Heartbreaker, Flirt, Da BOMB,
Chatterbox, Kooky, Sweet... In short...
someone I adore... Two words darlin...
A lil ode to our one and only Lovely... The beautiful Miz M.T...
Thought for the day,
I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're headed, and meet up with them later.
- Nightwatch