well let me see...
My friend's jokes. The laughter that hurts my tummy. When I can say "I told you so" to those love ones : ) When my boy has this look in his eyes, when he did something wrong. When mom cooks my favourite to die for crab. When I call my brother in the middle of the night, cause I can't remember the song from Rick Price. When rains last for 20 minutes. When an old friend calls and reminds me what a bitch I have been in school. When I smell the morning coffee. The smokes I share with my friend while waiting for a taxi. The song I hear on the radio that reminds me of an ex boyfriend.(come on everyone had a song) crazy crazy sadistic man leaving me love notes around the house. The morning snuggles with him. Complaining to my friends I am fat, and seeing that look on their face go... Not Again. Finishing a Book in 4 days. Asking my boy for a kiss when the girl he likes is watching. Seeing my sea shells collection growing bigger. Watching Men shy away. Checking out hot bod gay men in cafes.
Simple? Well simple, gives me a piece of mind. This is happiness, more than I can handle. I wish you to find what makes you go on...anything...anything at all.