The questions I have to live with in just ONE DAY.
should I wear the white T-shirt or the blue with this jeans?
what are you wearing by the way?
where shall we go now?
what time should we take the bus?
are you gonna shower now?
should I bring him cycling or swimming?
am I wearing too much gel?
Are you going to bed now?
Are you having one more smoke before you go?
Should I do the shopping now or later?
what do you need from NTUC?
Are you very sure you don't need anything from the NTUC?
What should he wear?
Does It look like its going to rain over there?
Can I go on ? Yes I can but I gather you would have got the point. Why does he ask so many question in a day? to tell you the truth, I don't know, . Maybe to get back at me for asking him Do I look fat? once in a while. Or just because he can. The funniest part is when he says he just talks to himself out loud and he never aspects an answer. When you stand in my face and repeat the questions 3 times till I give you an answer, you are NOT TALKING TO YOURSELF, YOU sadistic crazy crazy crazy man! I have heard him talk to himself, its never a question. Just the other day I was on the lap with earphones and he was doing his Taxes, he didn't know i could hear him talk to himself, There was never a question!!!
That lunatic, sadistic, crazy crazy man. The worst one of all is when he ask about the obvious. HBO showing Daylight ...
CRAZY MAN: oh they showing Sylvester Stallone movie is it? is it? is it?
ME: I DON'T KNOW unless he has a twin brother, I guess it has to be him rite?
CRAZY MAN: why are you shouting, It was a rhetoric question, OK OK I wont ask you anymore..5..4..3..2..1...have i seen this movie?
I have only 1 question...WHY, WHY ME?
(Mrs Sadistic crazy crazy crazy man)