Let's recap shall we boys and girls?
After putting up with Peru's bullshit for the last 6 months things came to a head last Wednesday. Peru had blabbed something personal bout M.T to a friend of hers and her friend accidentally let slip the fact. Boy, was M.T pissed!!! She stewed about it and on the 3rd called up Peru's friend to confront him as to how he knew this bit of info. When Peru's friend called Peru to accompany him to the meet, she tells him that she has a dinner appointment and to handle it himself. Boy, was he pissed now!!! Finally after much cajoling, HRM consents to appear. M.T calls me up and tells me she needs me there to verify certain facts. I go down wit my bud Samurai Singaram and what a sight awaits me... The battle lines drawn, Peru looking like a maid after marketing.... And the opening salvos were exchanged, Peru trying to intimidate everyone... And then the extent of Peru's idiocy came to light... These were the salient points... (A) It is ok to bad mouth someone if they are not around, (B) It is ok to tell your friends other people's personal issues, and my personal favorite, (C) If an old friend whom Peru has issues with comes into contact with anyone and Peru reacquaints herself with this person with no help from anyone, and is later "harassed" by this person, it is the fault of the person with whom initial contact was made and may be scolded with the vilest language possible... But then again, what can you expect from someone whom when asked if she is a cheap slut with no morals, agrees she is... You lost three good friends that day Peru, and made some pretty powerful enemies. Cross our paths again at your own peril. You have been completely stricken from our hearts and minds, but your misdeeds will never be forgotten nor forgiven ever...
Our thought for the day,
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.