Since now we are kind of into posting convo up, and some of you seem to like it. I tot why ....Was having aimless conversation with a friend yesterday and I could hear "you are a bitch" by the Bowling for soup in the ckground. We were both laughing cause he used to sing that song to every girl that walked passed. Than we were discussing abt the cover they did on Fergie's London Bridge. Super Awesome! Fergie shld eat dust after that cover. Those of you don't know Its actually Pepsi smash own version of "unplugged"(its not actually unplugged) where bands come and make a cover of songs they like , or think they can do better to prove a point, simply to piss off the original artist.
So anyways he asked me if I had seen Flyleaf's "SmellslikeTeenSpirit"?
He: did u checkout the Flyleaf's "smellslikeTeenSpirit"?
me: Wat? Flyleaf did wat?
He: its the truth. I send u the link now, before I do, u have alcohol in the crip?
Me:Ya, why do I need it?
He: I took 4 pecks of whiskey neat after watching, Still cant wash it away.
Me: oh man, I don't think I have the guts to do this. Who cld have the balls to even try 2 sing tat?!
He: Ok here goes...
5 Mins
He: You need to go?
Me: yup, I hope I have enough ice in the fridge. Heck I hope I score some weed.
Nightwatch, I know you will be so disappointed if I put up that horrid vid up, so instead I decided to put up "Bowling for Soup". Cause To put the shit up is to disrespect timeless legendary music. If you ppl have the stomach for it click on the link and watch it in youtube. If not just enjoy the video on the post.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Yes you are rite, we do think you are JERKS!!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Stop following me!

I have got 3 numbers da
Nightwatch says:
Ok wat
M.T says:
ya you knw what the fucked up part is?
Nightwatch says:
M.T says:
I lost the number da
M.T says:
cant remember where i put them
Nightwatch says:
Happens. Don't worry. U'll get more!!!
M.T says:
guess what types of guys gave me thier numbers?
Nightwatch says:
Hawt ones?
M.T says:
thank god
M.T says:
no actually i mean race da
Nightwatch says:
M.T says:
8 fucking million and mother fucking white guys smell me out da
M.T says:
what the fuck is WRONG wit me
Nightwatch says:
U're a white magnet. Any Germans?
M.T says:
am i not GD enough for the rest of the races or what?!
M.T says:
Thank God NO
M.T says:
1 french and 2 American
Nightwatch says:
Ok wat
M.T says:
1 guy is actually mixed
Nightwatch says:
Even better!!!
M.T says:
M.T says:
you knw that
Nightwatch says:
I noe! I'm laughing here Hehehehe.
M.T says:
fuck da i hate the Germans look what happen to me
M.T says:
i attract the enemies
M.T says:
anyways see i gave you something to write abt on the blog
M.T says:
go and write abt my screwed up curse
Nightwatch says:
Da white curse??? U GOT IT!!!
This was a conversation M.T and I were having the other day. The poor woman's curse has followed her to Japan. What curse you ask? The "Only non asians and chap cheng asians dig me" curse. The woman has not had a pure blooded Asian or 'MaMa' brother dig her. No M.T, your first bf does not count. I mean I 'love' white guys. They're what we need for entertainment. They think they are GOD's gift to women, but Asian chicks could put a collar and lead them around and they think they're the greatest thing to happen since the invention of the wheel... And the Asian chick in question is something no self respecting Asian dude would date cuz they look like they got run over by a trailer truck a couple of times, after which the driver looked in the rear view, decided it wasn't enough and ran them over a couple more times!!! That being said, M.T you probably could have a humdinger of a time, abuse them, treat them like a rug, abase them and they would still come running at the drop of a hat to entertain you if and when you called! Screw da asians! I mean, I know that that's what you want, but take what you get already and embrace your curse woman!!! :D
P.S M.T : Please don't hurt me when you come back... U know I love you right?
Like the song goes...
"You know its kinda hard just to get along today,
Our subject isn't cool, but he thinks it anyway.
He may not have a clue, and he may not have style,
But everything he lacks, well he makes up in denial.
So don't deflate, play it straight
You know he really doesn't get it anyway,
Gonna play the field, keep it real.
For you know a way, for you know a way
So if you don't break, just over compensate,
At least you know you can always go on Ricki Lake.
The world needs wannabes,
Hey, hey, do the brand new thing!
Give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh
And all the girlies say I'm pretty fly for a white guy"
Our thought for the day,
Whats the difference between a bitch and a whore? A whore goes to a party and has sex with everyone. A bitch goes to a party and has sex with everyone but you.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Last nite came across a blog that was send to me by a friend. Let me just say if you have read one entry you have read it all. Its the same shit single female whining crap. Not my cup of Tea, when one entry caught my attention and I had to...I just had to...NOOO I told myself, sleep over it. You may not feel to write abt this entry the next day. well its the next day and I say FUCK IT!
The Tittle of the entry is ...drum roll please....
"WHY NICE GIRLS LIKE US ARE SINGLE(while the other bitches get all the nice men out there)
1) We are nice. (We can try the whole bad girl image thing…)
2) We are not tall, thin or/and fair.
(Tall- Heels; Thin- Starve; Fair-We will do it the Rajini way.)
3) We refuse to have pre-marital sex. ( I really don’t mind but my fren refuses to budge man)
4) We have never had one night stands. ( Can’t change the past)
5) We are smart. Like totally smart. ( Genes)
6) We don’t stroke men’s egos. ( Nope. Never)
7) We have a sense of humour, so men’s lame jokes don’t tickle us.
( We can pretend to laugh) We don’t giggle mindlessly.( refer to point 7)
9) We don’t club. Or smoke. Or drink.
( We can always change but we need new homes)
10) We have an inconducive social network. ( Time to dump our frens)
11) We spend Saturdays in the library. And Sundays at home with the family. (Refer to Point 9)
12) We don’t hang out late into the night. ( Refer to Point 9)
13) We are poor students = Not-So-Nice clothes= Complete lack of appeal. ( Rob)
14) We go to temples in the morning. Enough said. ( Go at night la)
15) We are bad flirts. ( We can take lessons from the substantial number of bimbos we have heard of)
2) We are not tall, thin or/and fair.
(Tall- Heels; Thin- Starve; Fair-We will do it the Rajini way.)
3) We refuse to have pre-marital sex. ( I really don’t mind but my fren refuses to budge man)
4) We have never had one night stands. ( Can’t change the past)
5) We are smart. Like totally smart. ( Genes)
6) We don’t stroke men’s egos. ( Nope. Never)
7) We have a sense of humour, so men’s lame jokes don’t tickle us.
( We can pretend to laugh) We don’t giggle mindlessly.( refer to point 7)
9) We don’t club. Or smoke. Or drink.
( We can always change but we need new homes)
10) We have an inconducive social network. ( Time to dump our frens)
11) We spend Saturdays in the library. And Sundays at home with the family. (Refer to Point 9)
12) We don’t hang out late into the night. ( Refer to Point 9)
13) We are poor students = Not-So-Nice clothes= Complete lack of appeal. ( Rob)
14) We go to temples in the morning. Enough said. ( Go at night la)
15) We are bad flirts. ( We can take lessons from the substantial number of bimbos we have heard of)
So the Bottom line is this cunt whom I hope i never get the chance to meet says women who smoke or drink or had a 1 nite stand in their lives, women who wear heels and had premarital sex are all Bitches and these Bitches are stealing these cunts "potential" Nice MEN.
What I don't get is , if you are in school the whole fuck time , in the library on Saturdays and under your mothers sari on Sundays,hmmm I wonder why you dont bump into nice men. where the hell are all the "Nice Men"? Why are they not in the Temple in the mornings? Aren't "Nice Men" suppose to go to Temples where the "Nice Girls" go? Oh Ya I forgot according to your theory he is sleeping after a late nite of fucking all nite long, beside a heels wearing skinny Bitch with a bottle of vodka and a pack of Marlboro at the bedside. Sorry my bad.
If you are pissed that you cant find a man, its no ones fault but yours! So stop pinning your fucked up issues on others, Cause YOU ARE THE BITCH for calling women who live their life's for themselves and are not hypocrites for hiding their faults behind the veils of what you call "moral Society"! If you cant find a man to take a fucking second glance at you, chances are you are a fugly cunt and its time you face that fact and stop blaming it on other women for your sad ass Genes.
You shld be ashamed of yourself, its bloody loser fucks like you, Indian women are losing our Indian brothers to other races. Do you have any fucking idea which century you are in? The brothers have moved one to bigger things. You sitting on your comfort zone fat ass and blaming your dusty pussy on the "Bitches". Before I sign off, 2 more words for you..."NICE GIRLS" out there...FUCK YOU!!!
Ps: You know guys what actually cracks me up, is the part where she keeps mentioning in almost all her entry how smart she is and what a great sense of humor she has. I am sure there is a NICE guy out there is waiting to double penetrate her brains and her sense of humor if he can grab it with his hands.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I Told You fuckers I will put it up.

Jason: so wats new...?
M.T : same crap
KingKong: I am seeing a Blonde, I mean I am fucking a Blond, seeing n fucking, sometimes wit eyes shut too.
M.T: Did u check, maybe its a chinese girl n her bleaching went bad?
KingKong: Shut up bitch, I knw what I am fucking!
M.T: sorry just trying to help cause 15 years ago you tot u were having a steady relationship with your right hand.
Jason: Haha tats fucking funny.
M.T: Jas remember how how he cheating on his right hand wit his left, cause his right hand got tired?
Jason: ROTFL , huh I missed this SO MUCH! where did he go? tell me more Bro.
KingKong: rite here you ass wipe. Anyways, I am so into blonde girls now man, they are hot and all over you, they are such attention seekers, I love it. They just wanna fuck all the time.
Jason: I never get the blonde thing, I have tried but nothing diff.
M.T: I like blondes, not cause I think they are fucking energizers bunnies but natural blonde guys most times have a great Bod. Its also so hard to find blonde Gay man.
KingKong: Nonsense, there are lots of Gay men.
M.T: How would you knw?
Jason: ya how would you knw?
KingKong: I knw where this shit is going. Anyways blonde chicks are hotter than other girls.
M.T: OMG did he just say that???!!!
Jason: u have woken up the sleeping Bitch bro.
KingKong: WAT? true isnt it? u urself agreed tat blonde guys are hot
M.T: ya but I didnt say there are hotter than the rest of the hair color guys out there, if I would have said that, than it means you are a UGLY FUCK!!! and Jas is a HOT FUCKER ABLE Dude!
Jason: Finally, Now we r talking
M.T: SHut up Jas
KingKong: Shut up Jas, well I think what I think, I am sticking to my statement! I am going Blonde all the way from now on. And you ! Gay lover, weirdo!
M.T: wat Bitch? afraid of some competition, afraid that you have to fight wit me for some Gay attention.
KingKong: haha very funny.
Jason: but the rumors has it........
KingKong: I will fly over and kill you Jas, so shut up!!!
M.T: OMG Jas is that rumor true? That is left hand is gay?
Jason: yup that was the rumor. ok now I have to find a place to crash for a while. If i die tell the cops to look for a closet gay kingkong wit a small dick chasing after Blonde chicks.
M.T: will do my friend.
KingKong: you two are real fuckers.
Jason: so I have been having constant sex since she got back from the holidays. I am so tired guys.
M.T: Is he actually complaining tat he getting too much?!
KingKong: Now who is the Fag?
M.T: I am having my doubts too, I think its the both of you.
Jason: No, its the emotional part, she is so afraid tat i am seeing someone else, and she is clingy. Sex is her way of saying, if you are wit me now, than u cant be wit "her"
KingKong: Get the fuck out of there man! Before she goes all Glenn Close on ur ass!
M.T: hehehehe, you are an idiot 6mths ago you were bitching how she is not giving it up, now you bitch its too much. As long it does not burn when you pee...i say bitch wans it give it to her!
KingKong: ya maybe she lost alot of time before being with all that "brothers" I heard and read that "brothers" dont do foreplay!
Jason: Have you been reading does female magazines again, I told u to stop subscribing to them
M.T: hahaha, its not him, its his left hand. He cant help it. I hate to admit it But Jas he is rite, I heard tat from girls who have been wit black guys. foreplay is not in the agenda.
Jason: ya I heard it too, mayb u r rite. BTW wats wit the double inverted commas you ass. Y cant u just say black guys?!
Kingkong: Im gonna bitch slap u both wit my left hand when I c u guys.
Jason: Ya i guess she is just enjoying the sex bit. guess its not the insecure shit afterall. She likes my foreplay, oh yeah. I M the Man, Whose the Man? I M the Man!!
KingKong: You the WHITE Man !!! So go there and smack tat choco Ass!
M.T: Shut the fuck up, u Blonde lover. smack tat choco Ass...? wtf is wrong wit you. Anyways I think I will out this up on the blog.
Jason: wat up? the topic?
M.T: No y bother, I just put the whole conversation up. Nightwatch has been complaining I am lazy n not writing much, so i guess I just put this shit up.
KingKong: Hey did he really get hitched? Tat poor dude!
M.T: wat poor dude, he got married not shot in the balls.
KingKong: Its the same feeling I heard.
M.T: you heard or u read in one of your female magazines?
Jason: hehe but seriously i cant see myself married. I have done alot of shit but i cant do tat shit man.
KingKong: I cant either.
M.T: You can't , cause in Australia its called civil union not marriage. so will we see u and your left hand waving in this years gay pride parade? wat you wearing?
Jason: he will be naked, his left hand will be in a black latex glove hahahaha, only the best for his left hand, only the best.
KingKong: FUCKERS!!!
Monday, January 05, 2009
New Year

Its been Long. I am not gonna give any excuses. whats the point really. The New year has come sooner than expected. I was not ready for it. I needed more time. who am I to stop time. Oh boy where do I start? September was the hardest time for me. saying bye to my family and friends. On the last day I left, There is no where else I would have rather be than at my Big Boy's Big day! The last day I saw him is when he became a man of responsibilities, a man with a future to share with a love one. A man. Hearing me say that gives me goose bumps. He has been there for me all the time. The boy. When I needed to vent, When I needed to cry, when I needed a good time to forget the pain. He was there when i didn't need him, sitting there in silence reading his book, looking up once in awhile letting me know he is there, when i am ready to talk. God I miss that. I miss my brother, my son, My Friend. Hope your new year will be better than mine Nightwatch. I LOVE YOU!
Why do I think mine will not be as great? well New year eve, I was sitting alone in my room and reading my Tarot. It never worked this last 2 years since I got them as a gift from someone. 2 mths ago it started to work. I guess I had to leave the country for it to work. So as I was sitting in my dark room, asking all these questions I had in my head abt the coming year. I was taken back, in fact shocked and heart broken. I tried it again again and the same answer kept popping up. I didn't know what to do, I walked away and came back an hour later and the same answers I got.
I will be betrayed by a friend. NOT AGAIN ! oh man. This sucks, I am tired of ppl saying they are my friends and dying to put me down. what the fuck is wrong with these ppl?! Talk abt quick action. The betrayal has already begun. By a very trusted one in fact. I wonder if this person is sitting somewhere and going wow I have out smarted that little bitch. Never mind if I am wrong and my paranoia is taking the better of me. Better safe than sorry. My guard was up the moment the phone rang. Now the question is do I sit and wait for you to fess up and forgive you or use every once of energy I have to make your life miserable or ignore you. You know what I am gonna leave it to you. You decide me and let me know what you would like this new year. This is my gift to you, you decide your fate.
So till we chat ...I mean till you talk and I listen
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