Last nite came across a blog that was send to me by a friend. Let me just say if you have read one entry you have read it all. Its the same shit single female whining crap. Not my cup of Tea, when one entry caught my attention and I had to...I just had to...NOOO I told myself, sleep over it. You may not feel to write abt this entry the next day. well its the next day and I say FUCK IT!
The Tittle of the entry is ...drum roll please....
"WHY NICE GIRLS LIKE US ARE SINGLE(while the other bitches get all the nice men out there)
1) We are nice. (We can try the whole bad girl image thing…)
2) We are not tall, thin or/and fair.
(Tall- Heels; Thin- Starve; Fair-We will do it the Rajini way.)
3) We refuse to have pre-marital sex. ( I really don’t mind but my fren refuses to budge man)
4) We have never had one night stands. ( Can’t change the past)
5) We are smart. Like totally smart. ( Genes)
6) We don’t stroke men’s egos. ( Nope. Never)
7) We have a sense of humour, so men’s lame jokes don’t tickle us.
( We can pretend to laugh) We don’t giggle mindlessly.( refer to point 7)
9) We don’t club. Or smoke. Or drink.
( We can always change but we need new homes)
10) We have an inconducive social network. ( Time to dump our frens)
11) We spend Saturdays in the library. And Sundays at home with the family. (Refer to Point 9)
12) We don’t hang out late into the night. ( Refer to Point 9)
13) We are poor students = Not-So-Nice clothes= Complete lack of appeal. ( Rob)
14) We go to temples in the morning. Enough said. ( Go at night la)
15) We are bad flirts. ( We can take lessons from the substantial number of bimbos we have heard of)
2) We are not tall, thin or/and fair.
(Tall- Heels; Thin- Starve; Fair-We will do it the Rajini way.)
3) We refuse to have pre-marital sex. ( I really don’t mind but my fren refuses to budge man)
4) We have never had one night stands. ( Can’t change the past)
5) We are smart. Like totally smart. ( Genes)
6) We don’t stroke men’s egos. ( Nope. Never)
7) We have a sense of humour, so men’s lame jokes don’t tickle us.
( We can pretend to laugh) We don’t giggle mindlessly.( refer to point 7)
9) We don’t club. Or smoke. Or drink.
( We can always change but we need new homes)
10) We have an inconducive social network. ( Time to dump our frens)
11) We spend Saturdays in the library. And Sundays at home with the family. (Refer to Point 9)
12) We don’t hang out late into the night. ( Refer to Point 9)
13) We are poor students = Not-So-Nice clothes= Complete lack of appeal. ( Rob)
14) We go to temples in the morning. Enough said. ( Go at night la)
15) We are bad flirts. ( We can take lessons from the substantial number of bimbos we have heard of)
So the Bottom line is this cunt whom I hope i never get the chance to meet says women who smoke or drink or had a 1 nite stand in their lives, women who wear heels and had premarital sex are all Bitches and these Bitches are stealing these cunts "potential" Nice MEN.
What I don't get is , if you are in school the whole fuck time , in the library on Saturdays and under your mothers sari on Sundays,hmmm I wonder why you dont bump into nice men. where the hell are all the "Nice Men"? Why are they not in the Temple in the mornings? Aren't "Nice Men" suppose to go to Temples where the "Nice Girls" go? Oh Ya I forgot according to your theory he is sleeping after a late nite of fucking all nite long, beside a heels wearing skinny Bitch with a bottle of vodka and a pack of Marlboro at the bedside. Sorry my bad.
If you are pissed that you cant find a man, its no ones fault but yours! So stop pinning your fucked up issues on others, Cause YOU ARE THE BITCH for calling women who live their life's for themselves and are not hypocrites for hiding their faults behind the veils of what you call "moral Society"! If you cant find a man to take a fucking second glance at you, chances are you are a fugly cunt and its time you face that fact and stop blaming it on other women for your sad ass Genes.
You shld be ashamed of yourself, its bloody loser fucks like you, Indian women are losing our Indian brothers to other races. Do you have any fucking idea which century you are in? The brothers have moved one to bigger things. You sitting on your comfort zone fat ass and blaming your dusty pussy on the "Bitches". Before I sign off, 2 more words for you..."NICE GIRLS" out there...FUCK YOU!!!
Ps: You know guys what actually cracks me up, is the part where she keeps mentioning in almost all her entry how smart she is and what a great sense of humor she has. I am sure there is a NICE guy out there is waiting to double penetrate her brains and her sense of humor if he can grab it with his hands.