Jason: so wats new...?
M.T : same crap
KingKong: I am seeing a Blonde, I mean I am fucking a Blond, seeing n fucking, sometimes wit eyes shut too.
M.T: Did u check, maybe its a chinese girl n her bleaching went bad?
KingKong: Shut up bitch, I knw what I am fucking!
M.T: sorry just trying to help cause 15 years ago you tot u were having a steady relationship with your right hand.
Jason: Haha tats fucking funny.
M.T: Jas remember how how he cheating on his right hand wit his left, cause his right hand got tired?
Jason: ROTFL , huh I missed this SO MUCH! where did he go? tell me more Bro.
KingKong: rite here you ass wipe. Anyways, I am so into blonde girls now man, they are hot and all over you, they are such attention seekers, I love it. They just wanna fuck all the time.
Jason: I never get the blonde thing, I have tried but nothing diff.
M.T: I like blondes, not cause I think they are fucking energizers bunnies but natural blonde guys most times have a great Bod. Its also so hard to find blonde Gay man.
KingKong: Nonsense, there are lots of Gay men.
M.T: How would you knw?
Jason: ya how would you knw?
KingKong: I knw where this shit is going. Anyways blonde chicks are hotter than other girls.
M.T: OMG did he just say that???!!!
Jason: u have woken up the sleeping Bitch bro.
KingKong: WAT? true isnt it? u urself agreed tat blonde guys are hot
M.T: ya but I didnt say there are hotter than the rest of the hair color guys out there, if I would have said that, than it means you are a UGLY FUCK!!! and Jas is a HOT FUCKER ABLE Dude!
Jason: Finally, Now we r talking
M.T: SHut up Jas
KingKong: Shut up Jas, well I think what I think, I am sticking to my statement! I am going Blonde all the way from now on. And you ! Gay lover, weirdo!
M.T: wat Bitch? afraid of some competition, afraid that you have to fight wit me for some Gay attention.
KingKong: haha very funny.
Jason: but the rumors has it........
KingKong: I will fly over and kill you Jas, so shut up!!!
M.T: OMG Jas is that rumor true? That is left hand is gay?
Jason: yup that was the rumor. ok now I have to find a place to crash for a while. If i die tell the cops to look for a closet gay kingkong wit a small dick chasing after Blonde chicks.
M.T: will do my friend.
KingKong: you two are real fuckers.
Jason: so I have been having constant sex since she got back from the holidays. I am so tired guys.
M.T: Is he actually complaining tat he getting too much?!
KingKong: Now who is the Fag?
M.T: I am having my doubts too, I think its the both of you.
Jason: No, its the emotional part, she is so afraid tat i am seeing someone else, and she is clingy. Sex is her way of saying, if you are wit me now, than u cant be wit "her"
KingKong: Get the fuck out of there man! Before she goes all Glenn Close on ur ass!
M.T: hehehehe, you are an idiot 6mths ago you were bitching how she is not giving it up, now you bitch its too much. As long it does not burn when you pee...i say bitch wans it give it to her!
KingKong: ya maybe she lost alot of time before being with all that "brothers" I heard and read that "brothers" dont do foreplay!
Jason: Have you been reading does female magazines again, I told u to stop subscribing to them
M.T: hahaha, its not him, its his left hand. He cant help it. I hate to admit it But Jas he is rite, I heard tat from girls who have been wit black guys. foreplay is not in the agenda.
Jason: ya I heard it too, mayb u r rite. BTW wats wit the double inverted commas you ass. Y cant u just say black guys?!
Kingkong: Im gonna bitch slap u both wit my left hand when I c u guys.
Jason: Ya i guess she is just enjoying the sex bit. guess its not the insecure shit afterall. She likes my foreplay, oh yeah. I M the Man, Whose the Man? I M the Man!!
KingKong: You the WHITE Man !!! So go there and smack tat choco Ass!
M.T: Shut the fuck up, u Blonde lover. smack tat choco Ass...? wtf is wrong wit you. Anyways I think I will out this up on the blog.
Jason: wat up? the topic?
M.T: No y bother, I just put the whole conversation up. Nightwatch has been complaining I am lazy n not writing much, so i guess I just put this shit up.
KingKong: Hey did he really get hitched? Tat poor dude!
M.T: wat poor dude, he got married not shot in the balls.
KingKong: Its the same feeling I heard.
M.T: you heard or u read in one of your female magazines?
Jason: hehe but seriously i cant see myself married. I have done alot of shit but i cant do tat shit man.
KingKong: I cant either.
M.T: You can't , cause in Australia its called civil union not marriage. so will we see u and your left hand waving in this years gay pride parade? wat you wearing?
Jason: he will be naked, his left hand will be in a black latex glove hahahaha, only the best for his left hand, only the best.
KingKong: FUCKERS!!!