Whats with Indian guys dating Chinese girls? Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with interracial dating. I have at my share of 'Rainbow' dating. I never dated my own race, not by choice it just happened that way and most importantly for the last 9 years I am with a man from another race. Indian guys have this funny look on their face when they are with Chinese girls. They are always looking at you if you are looking at them. As if they are walking around with a trophy or some kind. Last week I was in Tampines mall and there was this Ah neh with a Chinese chick...always looking if I was looking. Everywhere I turned he was there looking directly at me while with a snobbish face. I thought that was so weird. Many years ago there I was sitting at coffee club at siglap waiting for my boyfriend. There was a Indian guy and Chinese girl sitting right opposite me. The guy was talking on the top of his voice, and staring at me the whole time. Did I mention how he was making stupid comments about Indians. Well, and my boyfriend came to join me and Ah neh literally dropped his jaw it could have not been anymore obvious. After that he kept staring at me like I was a traitor or something...he made it very clear he was not happy that I was sitting there with a man from another race. He gave me the look like I was doing something wrong. In fact I was sure that he gave this head shaking disgusted look. ( Maybe he was jealous my Chinese boyfriend was prettier than his Chinese girlfriend?) I don't know, So I gave him back the dirty look, and my boyfriend finally asked him if he has a problem. He left without a word with his girlfriend. So my advice to those 'Rainbow' dating people please remember its about being with the right person and being happy and proud of your partner. ITS NOT A BLOODY FASHION statement. Stop acting like you are special cause you are not. Easier to date someone from the Majority group of people(more to choose from), than the Minority(too little to go around). That goes for me too. So Ah nehs out there stop shoving it on every one's faces, cause the truth is no one bloody cares what or who you date.(except for your amma and appa maybe) So with a little fav song of mine form EN Vogue. I end the Tot of the day...
Oh my please forgive me for having Straight hair
It doesn't mean there's another blood in My heirs
I might date another race or color
Doesn't mean i don't like my strong Black brothers
free your mind and the rest will follow,
be colorblind,
don't be so shallow
(before you read me you gotta learn how to see me)