What exactly defines success? The qualifications you got? The money you make in a year? The job you hold? The people you know? The circles you move around in? The house you live in? This question always runs amok in my mind, thanks to my dearest mum who judges success by the above mentioned criteria. Oh, how she goes on and on about how I've never amounted to nothing because I don't have any of the above mentioned. How she goes on about how so and so's son is buying a landed property or how that person's son is getting married at the Shangri-la... But mother, I have everything need to be happy... I have good friends, a job which pays me enough to provide for myself and something for you, my health ( For however long that lasts...), my family and most importantly people who care about me. I am happy the way I am, I would like to be rich, who wouldn't? But I guess I'm happy being comfortable. And that, friends and neighbors defines success for me... The right to be fairly judged by my accomplishments, but more importantly to be myself and not someone else...
Till next time,
Our thought for the day,
I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
- Nightwatch