Thursday, March 25, 2010

Terminator make way for the Discriminator

What is Discrimination? Where do we draw the line ? How much of a joke is ok? How far can we stretch the "innocent" comments? Is calling someone Keling the same as saying I hate fat people? Let me explain...Lets say calling someone Keling, clearly you are implying you prefer non Indians. Now lets say there are 2 guys, one a super hot guy and the other a fat guy. If I would check out the hot guy and not the fat guy am I discriminating the fat guy cause I prefer the hot guy? By liking one and not another is it discrimination? Or perhaps Discrimination lives up to its big word when spoken out loud. There are so many categories of discrimination for example Age, Gender, Sexuality, Race, Language, Employment, Caste and even something as simple as Reverse Discrimination. Basically a term used on minorities who have issues with dominant and majority groups. Which I believe most of you reading this blog associate yourself with. Don't deny it, you know who you are :) Just cause some parents raised us to keep shut doesn't mean we don't think it. Than again that very same parents might also educate us to be honest with others and to ourselves. So who is the bad guy here? The one who is honest to make it clear I don't like you and who puts up his hand and says "hail Hitler" at the passing German minding his own business or the the guy who thinks "bloody Manjan" in his head when a Chinese guy cuts him off on a highway. As long no one heard that right? So I can't possibly hurt his feelings cause my parents raised me better than that? I am not a discriminator if the one I'm discriminating doesn't hear me.

I remember the first time I faced discrimination, actually I remember all the discrimination. The first time it hurt the most. Every time you experience a discrimination a part of your soul gets chipped off. You don't understand why you? Than you wonder what you did wrong. Nothing. Just wrong place, wrong time and facing wrong honest people. It was around my 3rd Discrimination when it stopped hurting. I realised that I didn't really like the people who didn't like me in the first place. So why should it hurt. I realised at 15 I was a discriminator. Just like them. Just like everyone else. I am no different from the girl standing beside me who hates poor people cause they are poor and I hate her, well cause I hate rich people. Than I got to thinking are there actually real genuine victims in all of these discrimination war that we are all fighting? Well I don't think so. Every single one of us is a culprit. We all hate or nicely put, rather dislike someone somewhere for a reason, whatever the reason maybe. While we are pointing our finger at one he is pointing at another, and wait... before you feel sorry for that poor soul, I suggest you turn around, he might be just pointing at you. Its a vicious cycle. So if you are reading this and you are so sure that I am wrongly accusing us all. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, if you embrace everyone, you love all and judge no one. If your answer is Yes than Congratulations you are the next Jesus Christ! If your answer is No, welcome, you are human with issues. Join the rest of us sinners.

Ps: If you hate the one who discriminates, than my friend you are a discriminator.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

I survived!!! Part 2

By this time Little Turtle had joined me at the observation ward and I was dozing off happily when suddenly a nurse pops up and drops another bomb, "Sorry sir, all our wards are full. However, we can give you a corridor bed at the same cost as that of a regular ward admission. Is that alright with you? " Hell no! So we asked if I could be transferred to SGH. To which I was informed that SGH was not affiliated to TTSH and I would need to go through the whole admission process again, including having the I.V needle reapplied. That pretty much decided it for me. We checked and found out that the affiliated hospital was Alexandra and agreed to be transferred over. As we were waiting for the ambulance to come pick me up, we were accosted by another patient. A harmless, drunk old man who just wanted to talk. He manages to wake me up, annoy the staff and pretty much everyone who was trying to sleep. Finally he gets himself discharged and leaves. By this time it's nearly 3am and I craving for a smoke. Add to the fact I had a I.V drip attached to me, it made sneaking out impossible. Finally a bit past 3 the private ambulance arrived and I was rolled out like an invalid on a wheelchair. Badly needing a smoke, I asked the ambulance driver if he could pull over somewhere so I could have one. Surprise, surprise, he opens up the windows and allows me smoke in ambulance itself! Thank you God!!! Finally I reach Alexandra and go up to the ward. They ask me to change into hospital garments only 3 sizes too big and tell me the specialists will be coming to see me shortly. In the meantime they send a China nurse who can barely speak English to fill out the admission forms... Go figure. Finally the specialists arrive and they immediately start poking and prodding my family jewels in their eagerness to examine the lump. A few minutes later they are joined by another colleague who is so excited that he even forgoes the gloves. What is it with doctors and prodding people in their vulnerables I'll never know. After much poking and prodding they pronounce me fit to have the lump removed by surgery at 8 in the morning. By now it's almost 4.30 in the morning, and I thought to myself, "Finally, some shut eye." But no!!! Did I mention I was in a ward full of geriatrics??? I ended up waking up every half hour, either to people screaming " Missy! Missy!", the bed alert going off or nurses waking me up to take my bp or some blood or the million other things nurses do to ensure that you don't sleep. Finally, 8am rolled in... Till next time,

Our thought for the day,

A hospital is no place to be sick


Tuesday, March 09, 2010

I survived!!! Part 1

Weekends wise, the last one was one of the worse I've had. It all started a week back. As M.T knows and likes to laugh, I'm known for getting lumps in unmentionable places. As fate would have it, one developed last week and by Friday I was in agony. To compound it, I was running around doing errands for a week for my childhood friend, Mr Bear who had been admitted for 2nd degree facial burns because he has a fetish for flaming shooters and a face full of hair. Anyways, by 10pm on Friday I could barely sit down or stand for that matter. I was already at SGH at this point of time. And me being Mr Macho, I refused to go to the A & E to have it looked at. This, after being half crazed by the pain at work, I had taken a box cutter to the lump hoping to excise it myself and failing. After leaving the hospital, me and Little Turtle had taken the bus to go home when the pain became unbearable. Deciding that I should get professional help before I went postal and killed the bus driver for the torturous ride. I dropped and headed for the venerable institution, Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Reaching there I went through the admission process and had to answer rather silly questions like, " Did I fall and hurt myself" even though I had mentioned several times, "I HAVE A LUMP I WOULD LIKE REMOVED!!!" Finally I see the doctor who drops the bomb, " Sorry sir you will have to be admitted as the lump is an awkward position and we will need to see a specialist who will decide whether to operate. However it will be a day surgery and you should be able to go home by Saturday afternoon." Hearing this I thought to myself, being admitted for half a day can't be so bad... and agreed. After sticking me with the customary needles and shooting me up with painkillers, they wheeled me to the observation to await a place in the ward. Till next time,

Our thought for the day,

Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice?"
